Don Mashak
3 min readOct 5, 2015

A Request to fellow Central Banking Conspiracy Fact Believers!

Fellow Patriots > Respectfully, Can we present the issues of Central Banks, the FED, Debt Based Money and the Illuminati neutrally and without racism and bigotry(Religionism?). Holding all members of a group of people for the actions of a few of the group, whether it be whites, blacks or Jews, etc. is stereotyping, racism and bigotry. There may have been many folks in this banking conspiracy that were Jewish, but not all Jews are in on and/or participated in the conspiracy. IMHO, it is better to name names and identify them as a group of criminals. To label all of them based on shared physical and/or religious characteristics just invites later division in our ranks… (aka known as the Tyrant Class’s strategy of Divide and Conquer) In my humble opinion, it is far better that we rally this, and other causes of right and wrong, along the lines those who support right against those who support and commit wrong, rather than align various social groups against another group based on physical and/or religious similarities which really do not usually properly reflect who should be held accountable for the wrong doing.

Let no innocent persons be shunned or punished because another or other(s) who shares their color or religion commits a crime. All of this, of course is sans the existence of some incontroverable proof that shows that intentions of “evil and/or injury” are foundations of the alleged offending group and expected of every member. Further, this presumes that membership in the alleged offending group is by choice and free will, and not by unmodifiable fate of birth (Color). Still further, that if membership in the alleged offending group is by choice and free will, that the individual has been made aware espoused foundations of “evil and injury”, and being so informed, exercises the free will choice to remain a member of that group. I believe my article at this link evinces my belief in the Central Banking Cartel Conspiracy Fact: “If you want to work half as much & live twice as much, end the the US Central Bank known as the FED & its Debt Based Money” — (Cause 2.2 Pg 24)

I believe in the FACT of the Central Banking Cartel Conspiracy, I just don’t believe we should hold every member of the Jewish faith (or any other social group) accountable for the acts of other Jewish persons.

This article was provoked in this writer in watching the following video. While I don’t agree with everything in this presentation, I find much of it factually accurate/credible; yet the racism and bigotry detract from the credibility of the presentation.

Can someone start producing videos on this topic without the integration of racism and bigotry?

Those were my thoughts.

Thank you for your time.

In Liberty,

Don Mashak

The Cynical Patriot

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