Call to Action: Should Judges have Judicial Immunity in instances where they violate a person’s Natural Rights and the Constitution?

Don Mashak
7 min readMar 10, 2015

Tomorrow Morning, 3/10/2015, at 9am there will be a press conference to publicize this very issue outside the Warren E. Burger Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse at 316 N. Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota . Despite our Founding Documents calling for Transparency and Accountability, the parties were notified by the 8th Circuit Court of appeals had reversed its decision to allow Oral Arguments. The notification that Oral Arguments would no longer be allowed came after Minnesota Attorney Michelle MacDonald invited the public and the press to attend this hearing. This impromtu Press Conference is being held in lieu of Oral Arguments, and the press and all persons interested in Justice are urged to attend. (The actual Notice of Press Conference appears at the bottom of this article)

Sadly, a Minnesota mother and her children are the victims of a Judge’s departures from the Rule of Law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Natural Rights. Though the Divorce was finalized more than a year before by another judge, Ms. Grazzini-Rucki was given very short notice to vacate her home and ordered not to tell the children she would not be there when they came home, nor anything else about what was happening.

Its a real tear jerker when the most of the photos a mother can provide this writer for an article are scanned Polaroid photos.

This writer’s regular readers know that writer has been member of a loose coalition of 100's of Minnesotan’s trying to exercise their Natural Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances as reduced to writing in the First Amendment since 2005. This writer refers to this movement as Judicial TAR (Transparency, Accountability and Reform). Every year since 2005 the Minnesota House and Senate Judiciary Committees have refused our request for a hearing dedicated to recieving evidence and testimoney of Systemic Corruption in the Minnesota Judiciary. Despite the fact the Minnesota Constitution establishes oversight and discipline of the Minnesota Judiciary to the Minnesota Legislature, the Minnesota Legislature has failed to fulfill its Constitutional Duties in this regard.

I have previously written about the Sandra-Gruzzini-Rucki matter here:

Judicial Corruption vs 1 Minnesota Attorney with ethics, selflessness & a spine

and here:

Married? The Judicial Assault on your Unalienable, Natural Law Rights

My fellow Minnesotans and Americans, Your Silence is your consent. Your Government considers your failure to show up at these events or express your dissent, as your passive agreement with its actions. Forget what you were taught in High School Civics, or Social Studies or whatever the Progressives are calling it now, the voices of political dissent are viciously punished by your government if they can be singled out because of lack of support. If this issue is important to you, please show up. If you think you might ever before a judge, please show up. If you think you might ever get divorced, please show up! If you think you might be before a judge in the future over child custody or child support issues, please show up. In my humble opinion, Minnesota Courts have departed from the Rule of Law and embraced the Rule of Man aka “Might Makes Right”, “How much justice can you afford?”, “Should you be punished for your political dissent?” and/or :Who do you know?” Only WE THE PEOPLE can restore the Rule of Law.


Family’s Case Against Judge For Civil Rights Violations Advances — TUESDAY, March 10, 2015 at 9:00 am.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and her attorney, Michelle MacDonald, will hold a press conference outside the Warren E. Burger Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse at 316 N. Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki individually, et al, v. David Knutson, an individual, et al , U.S.District Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, Court file no. 14–2569

After the U.S. Federal civil rights family liberty lawsuit was filed by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and her children, Knutson claimed Judicial Immunity, a form of legal immunity which protects from lawsuits brought against them for judicial actions, no matter how incompetent, negligent, or malicious such conduct might be, even if this conduct is in violation of statutes.

Originally, attorney for (Judge) David Knutson, assistant attorney general Alethea Huyser (651–296–1410), and MacDonald (651–222–4400) were notified to present oral arguments on March 10. After she invited the public, MacDonald learned that the originally scheduled ORAL ARGUMENTS will not take place, but the panel of JUDGES WILL STILL CONVENE ON THAT DAY, without a public hearing.

Attorneys received a notice on February 23, 2015 that “the court has further reviewed the matter and determined that the case can be submitted on the briefs and without oral argument” The letter from Trish Boehmer, Calendar coordinator of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth circuit confirmed that “the case will be submitted to the panel on March 10, 2015.”

“It’s a case against a Judge. Somebody made a call” said MacDonald, who was looking forward to arguing the case in a public forum, adding that attorneys cannot even waive oral arguments, yet they were mysteriously canceled.

“The good news in that the court GRANTED Sandra’s motion to submit a reply brief”, said MacDonald,

The Reply Brief, filed February 26, in lieu of oral arguments, was posted on “Family is the Most Fundamental Right”. The brief details the outrages committed against the Grazzini-Rucki family for which the Judge claimed immunity:

“The many non-judicial acts of which Judge Knutson was accused in the Amended Complaint — but not analyzed in the district court’s sweeping immunity holding — include:

· Searching and seizing person and property of Grazzini-Rucki and her children without probable cause or a warrant, including that she abandon her children;

· Circumventing the Minnesota Court Information system regarding various Dakota County matters involving the litigants;

· Causing state court administrators to assign “all future hearings” in various matters involving Grazzini-Rucki to Judge Knutson;

· Illegally usurping jurisdiction over several existing matters involving Grazzini-Rucki, including the State of Minnesota against David Rucki, and third parties, and making rulings in those matters without notice to Grazzini-Rucki;

· Illegally ordering Ms. Grazzini-Rucki’s children into “therapy”;

· Illegally intercepting and sealing a recorded transcript Ms. Grazzini-Rucki was entitled to receive and view;

· Ordering both parents to have no contact with their own children whatsoever;

· Ordering Grazzini-Rucki to refrain from participation in her own family’s association activities;

· Ordering Grazzini-Rucki to be separated from her children and have no contact with them at their schools, or through third parties;

· Conducting a “listening” psychotherapy session between Judge Knutson, Dr. Gilbertson, and the Grazzini-Rucki’s children at which Judge Knutson was alleged to have coerced, intimidated, and threatened the Grazzini-Rucki children, contributing the children’s decision to run away from their home just days later;

· Insisting that Grazzini-Rucki’s counsel try Grazzini-Rucki’s case while in handcuffs shackled to a waist belt, unable to rise from a wheelchair, without Grazzini-Rucki present, without Ms. MacDonald’s files, and without glasses, pen, or papers, seized by courtroom deputies;

· Retaliating against Grazzini-Rucki’s counsel by the foregoing after Grazzini-Rucki’s counsel informed Judge Knutson that this action was pending against him, and ignoring the glaring conflict of interest.

Gianna and Samantha Grazzini-Rucki, Sandra’s children, remain missing. posted

Judge Knutson’s rulings included kicking the entire family out of their own home and separating the children from both parents, with no contact orders. After a “listening session” conducted by Judge Knutson involving the Grazzini-Rucki children, two of Grazzini-Rucki’s children became so distressed that they fled from the homes into which they had been placed. Teenagers Gianna and Samantha Rucki have been missing since April 19, 2013. “

In what can only be described as a bizarre absurdity, Judge Knutson conducted a “child custody “ trial after the children went missing.

“Ms. MacDonald was placed in handcuffs shackled to a belt around her waist, sat in a wheel chair, and forced to finish the “custody” trial without eyeglasses, pen, paper, or files… Grazzini-Rucki had already left — yet Judge Knutson insisted on completing the trial without Ms. Grazzini-Rucki. The events were captures on security video.”

Paid for by MacDonald for Justice, 1069 South Robert Street, Ste U, W. St. Paul, MN, Teri MacNabb treasurer, 612–554–0932



Don Mashak

Don Mashak,The Cynical Patriot @WETHEPEOPLETAR #TCOT #ASAMOM #SGP #MILITARY #Militia #TEAParty #OCCUPY #TLOT #OWS #ETF #RonPaul Pls visit my twitter users guide