Minnesota Republicans (and Democrats) resist Fiscal TAR
(Originally Publish May 20, 2012) As if it were not bad enough that members of this writer’s Republican Party voted for NDAA, this past weekend rank and file Republicans suffered another betrayal at the hands of our party elite.
This Past Saturday, April 14, 2012, this writer served as a delegate at Minnesota CD6 Republican Convention at the Mounds Views Community Center in Mounds View, Minnesota.
As this writer’s regular readers know, for the past 3+ years this writer has submitted articles regarding the failure of various Government institutions to provide citizens with financial information which is supposed to be a matter of public record:
July 8,2009
Write a letter to your City and County: Where’s the money?
http://exm.nr/HNBoUhAugust 2,2009
Wright County MN Massive Financial Cover Up Continues
August 11,2009 Wright County MN Massive Financial Cover up Continues 2
September 8, 2009
Apology to the Little Old Ladies of Wright County Minnesota
And for these past 3 years, Wright County has not provided, nor have any of my state elected officials been able to force Wright County to give me all of the information this author has requested. Not my State Senator or Representative, Not the State Auditor nor the State Attorney General.
Not even the MN IPAD
The State IPAD agreed that this writer was entitled to the information and said they would prepare a legal brief to that affect. However, this writer would have to hire and attorney and sue the County for the
information in Court.
We can thank all of our duplicitous elected State officials, Republican and Democrat alike, for providing all municipal entities with a way to avoid giving citizens information which is supposed to be a matter public record.
To defeat the duplicity of our elected officials, In 2010 this writer submitted approximately this TAR (Transparency, Accountability and Reform) resolution to his local precinct. It passed but somehow got lost
in the process to be added to the Republican Platform.
“Requiring all Minnesota Municipalities (Cities, Counties,
Schools, etc) to post their budgets and actual revenues and spending on
the internet in layman’s terms with no aggregates over one hundred
Now, at this point, this writer asks the reader if they would think that any elected official working in the best interests of rank and file Americans would have any problem enacting such legislation; especially
given that this financial information is supposed to be public record.
Keep that answer in mind while you read the rest of this article.
In pursuing adoption of this resolution and subsequent legislation, this writer had the 1st Principles of the
Founding Fathers in mind:
The fundamental understanding our US Founding Fathers had in
drafting our constitution, is People under Natural Law have free will,
and are not virtuous by nature. Therefore, governments must be
constructed in anticipation of the nature of man. Acting on this
knowledge, our Founding Fathers built into our Government and
Constitution, various checks and balances.
Amongst these checks and balances were transparency and
accountability. All of our problems today emanate from the slow,
persistent rolling back of the checks and balances, transparency and
accountability our Founding Fathers built into our Government and
Yet somehow, Amy Koch, then the Senate Majority leader and my State Senator would not even try to author or pass this bill. Senator Koch just stopped returning this writer’s calls and emails on this Fiscal
TAR. (Nor on my proposals for Judicial TAR) 2 Republicans Legislators flat out told me in confidence that no one in the Minnesota Legislature wants great transparency.
This year this writer again had substantially the same resolution passed at the precinct level, then passed forward at the Wright County BPOU level. Finally this writer attended the MN CD6 Convention as a
delegate to….
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Minnesota Republicans (and Democrats) resist Fiscal TAR
Those were my thoughts.
In Closing:
Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon
what is written here.
Please join with me in mutually pledging to each other and our fellow citizens our
lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to our mutual endeavors of restoring
liberty and economic opportunity to WE THE PEOPLE as our Founding Fathers
envisioned and intended. [Last Paragraph, Declaration of Independence]
This article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine
http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way
using their own “Common Sense”
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot