Your Free Gift From Google

Don Sturgill
4 min readJan 16, 2020

It all began like this …

A friend asked me whether his new mascot was eligible for a Google personal knowledge panel (and all the benefits that come with it).

A silly question, right? Google won’t give a knowledge panel to a monkey.

Wrong. Even the Pillsbury Doughboy has a personal knowledge panel. It would take some work to rank one for a less famous character, but it’s not impossible.

Then, doing research online a little later that day, I noticed that one of my clients hadn’t claimed her Google personal knowledge panel. I emailed her right away, she claimed it, and thanked me for the heads up.

But hold it …

I’m talking about someone who is “in the business.” She is a bit of a big wig — speaks at national and international conferences, gets a zillion likes and comments on every article she writes, and is pretty well a household name in the fields of search engine optimization and digital marketing.

The juxtaposition of those two ideas: Google-savvy, but totally missing out on a free Google gift (aka “the personal knowledge panel”) shocked me. My monkey-character friend isn’t all that techie … but HER? She could write (and may already have written) the book on branding.

That’s when I decided to look further

