The 3–2–1 Video ReflectionWill Optimize Your Life

Don Wettrick
3 min readJun 11, 2020


In my role as educator, father, and entrepreneur, I have loved the power video. Video has not only been a way to transmit our mission and vision publicly, but it has been an even better reflection tool. In my high school class, I tried to implement our cycle of innovation, an acronym of “ROTH-IRA” (Realization/Open Discussion/Tussle/Heterogeneous grouping/ Iteration/Reflect/Adjust).

The “ROTH” part was the conceptual part. The IRA is where the idea turned into action. Innovation was found when we made small adjustments (iterations), but then we deliberately reflected each week, and those moments of reflection led to more well thought out adjustments.

The best and often easiest way to “IRA” reflection is to do a 3–2–1 video. I think making a weekly video journal for yourself is powerful, and is something I think you should consider adding to your weekly routine.

Here is the format:

3 Accomplishments/ goals that you hit this week. (Which means you need to start setting goals).

2 Regrets that you had, and how you can adjust next week (not make the same mistake).

1 Piece of advice you have for yourself.

Three reasons why you should video journal:

1. Metacognition. When making your video, you have to think about what you are going to say. Not too many times in our day to we think about our thoughts. Metacognition/reflecting paves the way for deep learning.

2. Adjustments. It allows you to find insights in your reflection, which allows you to adjust. Literally hearing yourself out loud draws you to conclusions, which will lead to those adjustments/iterations. I also believe that because I start off with three successes first THEN two regrets, I put myself into a positive, yet wanting to optimize mindset.

3. Posterity. You’ll appreciate these videos when you are older. This is something I would have appreciated in my youth (in my 40s now). I would love to have a video journals of 1990s me and my whacky ideas.

So, here is my request. Shoot a 30–60 second 3–2–1 video each week. Just you. Not your team, family, coworkers. Upload it to your personal YouTube account. Set it to unlisted. This is long term storage, and should be valued for years to come. This will be a video journal of your thoughts, missions, and accomplishments and “advice” for your future self.

Bonus Points: Make a year-in-review montage of your highs and lows… especially the “1 piece of advice” section. You can track and monitor your progression in a powerful way. I think this would also be a great gift to pass on to your children/family: your life’s journey in video format.

I PROMISE you that you will find value in it.

If you want more information, please head to: , or you can also email me at: or my former student co-founder Hunter at:

Lastly, if you haven’t caught our podcast, check out the StartEdUp podcast on Spotify or Soundcloud. We interview authors, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders on innovation and education.



Don Wettrick

Author, Pure Genius: Creating a Culture of Innovation & Taking 20% to the Next Level Intl Speaker/Presenter. Innovation Coordinator Noblesville HS.