Justin Lindsey
2 min readJan 14, 2018


Advice for the Left About President Trump

So this week President Trump referred to Haiti, and countries in Africa as “Shit Hole Countries”. If you know me then you know that I am by no means a Trump Defender and while I will acknowledge when he does good things like Supreme Court Appointment, acknowledgment of Jerusalem as the capitalist Israel and moving the embassy, getting us out of the Paris accords, net neutrality, tax bill, policy of removing two regulations for every new regulation. I must also acknowlesge the things that i dont agree with or like. Like, his handling of North Korea with school yard tactics, use of Twitter, and this shit hole comment. But all in all, I don’t think he’s doing a terrible job…..but I won’t defend this recent week of unpresidential behavior.

So all of that said, I would like to offer something up to the left that I learned with Obama when I was a young Anti-Obama advocate years ago. This advice will help you survive the next three to eight years as you see more and more things that make you mad because it doesn’t align with your world view.

When you see or hear of something that pisses you off from President Trump or the Republican Party, ask yourself, “is this true, and does it matter?”

Because the truth is, very little of what actually happens in Washington is true because it’s full of unethical and morally dishonest people, and of the small percentage of things that they say is actually TRUE, very Little is that is going to make its way to your front door and impact you, your friends and family. Of the things that you will be able to touch, go ahead and make a big deal out of those and more than likely I would be willing to stand beside you in whatever it is, as long as it aligns with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. But if you respond to every single thing that the right does with the same level of high passion, then anyone who is reasonable will eventually just blow you off because everything is always a crisis with you.

Focus on making friends with people who aren’t like you, focus on things that actually matter, focus on finding common ground in your own neighborhood, and however many more years we have with President Trump may just be a little bit easier.



Justin Lindsey

Father, Husband, Gun Owner who reads the Bible and the Constitution. I love ya, no matter who you are.