Saghmosavank — where your heart trembles and your soul reaches the sky.

2 min readJul 9, 2019


Recently my friend was visiting for few days and we decided to go to Saghmosavank, a 13th century Christian Church located in Armenia.

It is in a quite fascinating location not only because of it’s history which is interesting but also for it’s geographic location.

It is located on top of a mountain and there is a deep gorge in front of it.We visited around May when it was all green around and area was all covered by green grass and trees were just blossomed and the sweet refreshing smell was all in the air.

Once you arrive, the first thing which you see is the big old church built from a black stone, so old that you can feel the scars on it’s skin because of the years.The church is like an old wise man with wrinkles and scars but still strong and grounded staying in his dedicated place got wounded but never failed.And it’s quite calming experience to look at it or just be inside and meditate/pray for sometime.

Right in front of this huge archaic old construction opens up a view of an amazing canyon, covered all around by new blossomed beautiful flowers and fresh green grass.There are lot of stones around the church and by standing on top of them you can have a broader view of canyon.When you stay on top of that you feel adrenaline rush as it is on quite fascinating height and you feel that height.In the bottom of canyon flows the River with the most cold and clean water which you can imagine.

We walked around a bit, had a rest near trees and left.

So if you want to nurture your sole go to Saghmosavank, you will enjoy for sure!.

