An open letter to Amber Rose

“The Greatest Slut In The World…”

3 min readJul 27, 2015

#Positive We all know her. Her face as been plastered on every gossip site imaginable. Her pictures, some more revealing than others, are very easy to find and yes her “twerk” videos are NSFW. Her name is Amber Rose, and she is “The Greatest Slut In The World”.

If I actually listened to rumors and gossip maybe I would believe that. If I were someone who’s easily influenced the stories you tell would be gospel. If, being the most important word in those aforementioned sentences. Her ordeals remind me of every beautiful woman I’ve grown up with, worked with, went to dinner with or have spoken to casually. For whatever reason, people just assume that women like Amber Rose are sluts. They usually have no true knowledge of the woman or her day to day activities but somehow know who she sleeps with, who she’s dating and what she does with every man she’s seen in public with. These people, both men AND women have no problem spreading lies and gossip about her. In fact, I truly believe they enjoy it.

I don’t know Amber Rose, but in a sense I know her very well. She is the beautiful secretary at the office. She’s the hot sister of my best friend. She’s the successful artist in the music industry. She’s the pretty girl next door. She’s the young lady driving the nice car. She’s the sexy single mother with a young child. She’s the attractive Pastor’s daughter. She’s the smart company executive….

Can you see where I’m going with this?

Whenever I see stories such as Amber’s I’m deeply saddened by the actions of our society. I can’t believe that behavior such as this still goes on in a world where we have a Black president, Transgender Celebrities and Gay/Lesbian Marriages. I’m appalled at the sheer amount of hate directed towards this woman and women like her. I’m disgusted with the atrocious amount of blind sexism and prejudice (yes, I said prejudice) against these women and I honestly will not vilify Amber or any other woman for that matter in regards to this issue. As a man, I hope to raise a daughter in a world where she can be free to do whatever she likes without the condescending remarks. I want my nieces to be able to date a man without being labeled for it. I want my Sisters to feel proud of how they look and their feminine attributes. I want to live in a world where Amber Rose and others like her can enjoy their lives without the constant barrage of negativity. I want to help make the world a better place.

With that being said, I’ve decided to volunteer…

(You can do the same here: and/or donate here:

My time, money, energy and voice to help Amber in her efforts to stop “Slut Shaming”. As a society, we condemn confident women and make them feel worthless by doing this and it’s unfair to these women, no matter their actions. What may seem like a joke to some is actually a very serious issue which causes many women, girls and young ladies to commit suicide everyday. The hatred of women on a daily basis is not only a form of abuse, but also it’s unhealthy emotionally. Especially in the younger age groups. These acts, even if it’s not the offender’s intention, hurt the women affected by them deeply and it needs to stop. It’s not an issue that can be easily solved but I believe if we each take individual responsibility we can help end the problem over time.

Amber, on behalf of men and women alike I would like to apologize for our behavior. No woman should ever be made to feel that way and I’m sorry. Though our actions may have hurt you in the past, I hope together we can empower women worldwide with #Positive Love, Encouragement, Support and Compassion. Thank you for your courage and commitment to this important cause. I support you.

Love + Blessings

Donny Goines

