Free Online Learning: 10+ Super Useful Things You Can Learn Online for Free
5 min readFeb 16, 2017


The internet has opened a new world for those of us who can’t resist a freebie. But despite the fact that there are super-useful things people can learn online for free, there are still companies offering similar courses for hundreds of dollars. If you’re looking to buck the system and learn cool stuff without having to pay a cent to do so, check out our list of useful skills you can learn online for free.

We take a closer look at free ways to hone both your professional and domestic skills. You can also learn a new hobby. Ready, set, let’s learn!

#1 Learn to Negotiate

Have you ever been sent on a ridiculously expensive short course by your employer? Get trained by the best for free instead. Check out “The Art of Negotiation” videos by Stanford University’s Stan Christensen and learn how to come out on top in negotiations with others. Stan’s a great speaker, and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Didn’t catch what he said first time? Simply watch again!

The Art of Negotiation Course

#2 Learn Excel

Have you seen the cool stuff some people can do with Excel? You can sign up for a costly training course or you can teach yourself instead. Download a free e-book that shows you the real power of excel, and don’t forget the many cool blogs and YouTube videos that can help you through any rough patches.

Excel Guide

#3 Learn to Invest Your Money

Small investments made now could be worth a fortune in a few years’ time — provided you know what you’re doing. Instead of paying a broker, become your own investment manager. Learn solid investment techniques with LearnVest’s knowledge center, and don’t forget useful online tools like Investopedia.

View LearnVest View Investopedia

#4 Learn a Language

There are many free language learning programs available online, but you can’t go wrong with DuoLingo. Simply download the app and learn a language the fun way using all those free minutes you’d usually spend idle. As you go, you will learn to read and pronounce words and phrases in the language of your choice. It’s free on Android and iOS.

View Duolingo Courses More Resources

#5 Learn Photoshop

By now, you know that most of those really cool photos you see in glossy magazines and websites have been “doctored” even if only a little bit. You’ll also know that Photoshop is one of the best photo editing programs out there, but trying to work it out on your own can be tricky. Get free help with a whole YouTube channel devoted to Photoshop, or look for free information from Udemy.

YouTube Videos Udemy Lessons More Resources

#6 Learn Yoga

Yoga isn’t just a great way of staying limber, it’s also relaxing. Check out the free videos on YOME or sign up for a 15-day free trial of YogaGlo. A hunt around YouTube is sure to be productive too. There are literally thousands of free to view yoga tutorials available online.

Free YOME Videos Try YogaGlo More Resources

#7 Learn How to Speak in Public

Does the very idea of speaking to audiences leave you in a cold sweat? Build your confidence by honing your skills. Try Knoivo when practicing your presentations. You can upload any presentation slides, practice and time your talk. There are also plenty of blogs on public speaking and a great free course from the University of Washington. Overcome your fear and you could become your firm’s public face — that’s as good a reason as any to ask for a raise!

Try Knoivo View Edx Course

#8 Start Learning Psychology

Would you like to understand others and yourself better? Once again, there are masses of online resources. Follow Psychology Today online and give yourself the benefit of free Introduction to Psychology lectures from Yale University.

Yale Courses View Psychology Today

#9 Learn to Code

Do you fancy yourself as a computer programmer but don’t know a thing about coding? Code Academy is the place to start. You can also get free lectures from Harvard (although you won’t get a certificate unless you sign up for a paid course).

Code Academy Courses View Edx Course

#10 Learn How to Write Better

From writing a great business letter to writing your own novel, improving your writing skills is sure to boost your career prospects. Macalester College offers a wealth of free info for aspiring writers and instead of getting a paid editing app, you can just use Hemingway online to check your written work for free.

Free Macalester Videos Free Hemingway App

#11 Learn How to Type Faster

Good keyboard skills will help you at work, and they’ll even help you when you’re socializing online. If you’re a one-finger typist, the time has come to make the change to faster, more efficient typing. Turn it into a game with Sense-Lang or give Keybr a whirl. Remember, the more you practice, the faster you’ll type.

View Sense-Lang Keybr Lessons

#12 Learn How to Read Faster

Great reading skills will help you to learn even more things, getting to the root of the matter more quickly. You’ll save tons of time, and it’s a fun skill to learn. With Spreeder, it’s absolutely free, and you can customize the way you practice speed reading to match your reading skills.

Try Spreeder

#13 Learn to Sew

Have you ever envied people who can knock together a new outfit in a few hours? Sewing skills can easily be learned, and you don’t have to pay for any lessons. Professor Pincushion is ready to share sewing skills for free and AllFreeSewing will give you a vast range of tutorials and projects to choose from.

Professor Pincushion Lessons AllFreeSewing Lessons

#14 Learn to Cook

Are your menus getting a bit boring and repetitive? Improve your culinary repertoire with a free cooking course. To get you started, The Culinary Cook offers free online cooking courses, and you’ll find oodles of inspiration on LearnToCook. How does this have the edge on watching cooking shows on TV? You get to choose what you want to learn, of course!

The Culinary Cook Lessons LearnToCooK Courses

A Final Word

Before you shell out a fortune on classes and courses, look around online for free training programs. You get to do it in your own time, and you don’t have to pay. What could be better? Set yourself a challenge, and allocate a special time of day for your studies. The world of free learning is at your fingertips!

Originally published at on February 16, 2017.

