The Dope Dino Pool Club

Dope Dino Pool Club
9 min readJan 26, 2022


We are bringing these amazing Dope Dinos to the Solana space with an amazing community, experienced developers “The CryptoCoders”, and a well-seasoned founding team who love a hands-on approach. We aim to bring something new to the space, we aim to build our community while rebuilding the natural biodiversity around us.

At the DDPC we not only want to pack our journey with all the utilities but also with the resources to sustain nature. There’s more in-depth information about the project, about the team, and all the plans and vision we have as we go along this article.

The founders and core team have a background in Cyber Security, Engineering, Health & Medicine, Art, and Management. Along with all the background, we have an aim of forming one of the strongest communities, one like all the major blue chips of Solana.

A Quick Overview of the DDPC:

We’re a collection of 4,444 Dope Dinos (Triceratops) on the Sol blockchain. The artwork is a unique blend of over 200 hand-drawn layers by our artist Icarus, they have poured their heart into the NFTs with a vast variation aiming to make the mighty triceratops look amazing in any blend. We’re minting on the 30th of January for 0.5 Sol.

The road map is extensive and divided into multiple avenues we aim to venture

· Staking platform which will be live after mint. We’ll be adding further complexity to it as we go along.

· $STOMP token which is live and has its own tokenomics and roadmap (further details along the course of the article)

· Over 10,000 trees are going to be planted, we have already started this journey with the first 100 trees being planted before mint.

· A DAO and giveaways along with alphas for the community

· Charity integrated along the way

· Creating 3D renders of the dope dinos for further integration into the metaverse

· Mutations or as we like to call it Evolution. The Dope Dinos will be able to evolve into our second drop which is only available to our holders. You’d be able to complete the evolution using $STOMP tokens and time machines.

· Plans to build a P2E game that will also utilize the $STOMP token.

· Further development on $STOMP enlisted later in the paper and taking our community forward with us.

Table of Contents

· Introduction to the team

· Road Map

· $STOMP Tokenomics

· Website and Socials

· Contact Information

Introduction of the team

Our core team is 4 members Poseidon, VNM, Cerberus, and Icarus. Adding to the core team we have 2 Mods, 1 collab manager, a team of 3 web developers (for our website, and a team of 4 developers who master the backend of NFTs and development we’re aiming to implement along with our mint.

The Core 4-

· Nik aka Poseidon#7095, was born and raised in India, and I moved to Australia in 2020 to study Occupational Therapy. That time was when I became an avid investor in the crypto space, and I started off my journey back in August of 2021 in the NFT space with Upland and Panda Dynasty (My first NFTs). I am the Co-Founder/ Project Manager of DDPC along with my best mate VNM. I have a personal life goal of creating biodiversity and maintaining it in real life for nature. This project aims to get us one step closer to that goal. We’ve got a vision, we’ve got goals and together with the community, we will achieve them, one STOMP at a time.

· Yashvinder aka VNM#4877 and I’m the Creative director and one of the Co-Founders of DDPC alongside Poseidon. I am a 21-year-old Civil Engineering student. I’m extremely excited for this project of ours and wish to accomplish all the goals together with the people in our community. It’s STOMP time!

· Anukriti aka Icarus, the artist for DDPC. I’m 20, and currently in med school, while also trying to pursue my passion for art. I started at a very young age, so I’ve got about 14 years of experience. Super stoked to be a part of this project and excited to see it grow!

· Liam aka Cerberus, was born and raised in Canada. I came into the NFT space almost a year ago, I have loved every second of it and I have experience with working on projects like Panda Dynasty (where Poseidon and I met), outta all of them, this is my favorite. I am the community manager of this project very happy to be a part of the team and can’t wait to see what happens in the future!

Our developer team who are providing us with all the backend and further UI assistance for the DDPC are The CryptoCoders. CryptoCoders are a fully certified development team, based in Australia. They’re very enthusiastic about all things Crypto and have recently sold out their very own NFT on Solana — ARxolotl

In addition to launching their own collection, CryptoCoders have successfully launched 30+ collections and worked with 100’s creators, artists, and teams within the Solana NFT ecosystem.

They are assisting us with our project for the following-

· Mint website UI

· Candy machine development and deploying it

· Compiling all the artwork

· We have come with all the rarities and they’re assisting us to achieve that in the collection

· Building our $STOMP token and the staking platform with all the intricacies.

· Airdrops for time machines and catalyst for mutations

· Mutations (Evolution)

· AR integration in Q2 2022 when we create 3D renders of the DDPC and the mutated collection.

Our Mods are- SC080- experience of 2 years + owner of his own NFT based server aimed at building a community and educating then and Waqqii- experience of 3 years + collab manager

Our web devs are a team of 3 from the symmetric solutions who helped create the

Road Map

We have two sets of road maps one for our NFT collection and one for the $STOMP token. Here we will be discussing our NFT roadmap and diving into further details. The Dope Dino Pool Club aims to create a strong-knit community while keeping our unique artwork, and nature at the center of it along with the multiple utilities for the community. We’re just trying to make the world a better place, aiming to create something which helps the vast community of the planet along with the holders.

Phase 1 includes the pre-mint processes and listings on secondary marketplaces.

Phase 2 plans to solidify the community by obtaining loyal holders of the Dope Dinos, we will be sweeping the NFTs listed under mint price to keep the floor above mint. Our predictions for the floor are much higher because of our staking platform going live right after mint ends. Earning $STOMP from day 1 is going to make a huge difference in the listed supply.

Phase 3 is focused on giving back to the community and the wider population. We aim to do massive daily giveaways for our DDPC DAO. These could include anything from a Sol giveaway to a DDPC NFT giveaway to even a Blue Chip NFT giveaway.

Our third phase revolves around giving back to the wider community as well and donating 100 Sol to an organization that the DAO chooses within a few days of the completion of the mint. We aim to donate at least some amount if we sell out less than 100%.

Phase 4 revolves around our plans for the DDPC post mint. The future plans don’t mean months down the line but days. We will be using the funding from the mint to start these plans which are already lined up. We’ll be working on multiple fronts which include

· Introducing the $STOMP token and deploying the staking pool

· Adding complexity to staking by making multiple pools

· Airdrop the time machines which are catalysts for Mutations

· Work on Q1 goals for $STOMP

· P2E game development

· Complete the plantation drive which started before the mint

· Initiate Mutations

Post completion of mutations we will be working towards 3D renders of the DDPC and the mutated drop to enable entry into the metaverse as individual entities. Further plans are covered in tokenomics.

$STOMP Tokenomics

The community’s chosen token will be dropped as soon as we mint. A little run down on the tokenomics:

The total supply is capped at 300M but that’s going to be allocated towards the growth of the community through staking and along with the burning mechanics it’ll make the token’s value go up.

$STOMP will be initially used for the Mutations i.e., the Evolution of the Dope Dinos into the new collection. Further, we aim for $STOMP to be utilized by the community to claim a whole heap of benefits in projects yet to be launched.


300 mil total supply

30% staking — 90 million $STOMP

25% treasury- 75 million $STOMP

20% investors — 60 million $STOMP

15% team- 45 million $STOMP

8% marketing- 24 million $STOMP

2% charity- 9 million $STOMP

Staking and burning

Genesis DDPC NFTs will be earning 25 $STOMP a day when staked for a month using the FORCE (222/4444 supply)

Alpha DDPC NFTs will be earning 20 $STOMP a day when staked for a month using their intellectual and physical force (2000/4444 supply)

Beta DDPC NFTs will be earning 15 $STOMP a day when staked for a month using their brute force (2222/4444 supply)

Their daily rewards reduce significantly when staked for less than a month. When a genesis is staked for a week’s span it will earn 18 $STOMP/ Day tokens as compared to alpha at 13 $STOMP/ Day. Beta when staked for a week’s span earns the least at 10 $STOMP a day.

We aim to have 6 staking pools that meet the above requirement


Sweep and Burn

The team will buy back NTFs below mint and burn the corresponding amount of $STOMP tokens.

Txn Burn

A part of every $STOMP Txn will be burnt whether it’s evolution, transfer, or usage in the roadmap in Q1 and Q2.

Lock Up period

All the $STOMP allocated to investors and team will undergo a lockdown period to ensure the liquidity pool does not fluctuate.

Deflationary mechanisms are put in place to ensure that there is no more than 15% of the total supply in circulation. This would be achieved by the sweep and burn initiative, txn burn and the lock-up period enlisted alongside.

These mechanisms also make sure that the value of $STOMP rises with consistency.

Charity and marketing

2% of the supply is dedicated to charity. We aim to provide charities the holder community chooses with an allocation of tokens from the 2% which they can liquidate for their missions. The charities can be run in 2 ways:

· We liquidate the amount of $STOMP for the charity and give them the liquidated Sol/ Fiat and burn those $STOMP


· We give them a set amount of $STOMP chosen by the community which can be bought by another member/ sold by the organization to use for their mission.

8% of the supply will be used for marketing purposes to be decided in the DDPC DAO

$STOMP Roadmap

Q1- 2022

1) Launch of DDPC

2) Launch of $STOMP

3) Liquidity pool value rises with the increasing secondary royalties from DDPC and time machines

4) $STOMP live on exchanges

5) The DDPC community will be able to redeem their $STOMP tokens with projects yet to be announced!

6) First seeding round

Q2- 2022

1) 3D integration of DDPC with possible AR compatibility

2) Entry into the metaverse

3) Land purchase in the metaverse of community’s choosing

4) Once bought, you’ll be able to develop this land using $STOMP such as, acquiring blocks of land, building houses, renting, setting up business/ shops.

5) Adding merch royalties to the liquidity pool.

Website and Socials

Project website:



Contact Information

Project email:

Founders Discord: Poseidon#7095 (Nik) & VNM#4877 (Yash)

