2 min readMar 25, 2016

Online Success Stories Are getting to be More Common

=Doug Cotter Atlanta=

Today there are many online success stories than in the past. In the past there have been generations of usa citizens raised on success stories of men and women who invented an item or came up with a concept that made them rich. Today all items have changed. There are few stories of people who have become successful in the offline world. With manufacturing moving offshore therefore much of what we consume being imported, there’s not as much opportunity to create a lot of money in the traditional way. In the world of the Internet, success is now common, and more people every single day are starting to notice.

It isn’t just the obvious online testimonials such as with Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook. It’s true, by creating a web based enterprise that has made him a billionaire, he’s got become one of the greatest online success stories to date. But there are several people who you will never learn about that have made millions, and the truth is, that what constitutes online testimonials may be different for different people. A man or woman who lost their job and were near being homeless, only to turn their lives around making a good income as online entrepreneurs, will consider themselves massively successful.

There are lots of people who have been able to make six figure incomes online; this may represent two, three, or 4x the money they made during the past. The Internet has become a green pasture along with a new chance at success for thus many people.

The ways by which this has been done vary. Many have experienced a product that they have sold themselves on the Internet. In this case, the internet represented a way to distribute something in a fashion that makes it easier than ever before. This is especially true with information that may be sold in the form of ebooks. Some online accounts of success have been accidental. An individual will start a blog as a labor of love, talking about what they like best. It quickly turns into a site known for its expert content. Traffic ramps ups to high levels as well as the owner makes a fortune from advertising.

The most important areas of Internet success has elevated the form of affiliate marketing. There were online success stories of men and women starting with nothing and throughout hard work have sold quantity of product, earning commissions that represent additional money that they have every manufactured in the past.

Many online accounts of success have centered around new and exciting products that are being sold through multi-level marketing. During the past the number of products that might be sold in this fashion happen to be limited. Now, using the Internet, there are more products available than every before. A number of them are not only new, but they are untapped opportunities for Internet entrepreneurs. The trick is to get involved selling one of them products when it is first launched or with a point when people have yet to hear of it.

=Doug Cotter Atlanta=