Here’s What We Mean By “One Alabama”

Doug Jones for Senate
2 min readNov 3, 2019


We are one year away from election day 2020, folks. That’s 366 days of a race that we are running together — as One Alabama.

I have always believed that the people of Alabama have more in common than what divides us, and that is why we are trying something different, why we’re running this campaign on a message of unity.

And when we say One Alabama, for everyone,this is what we mean: no matter where you live, your race, your religion, your disability, your economic status or no matter who you love, we all want the same things.

We all want to come together, finding unity over division, for a better future. A future where everyone has access to affordable, high quality health care no matter where you live or the condition of your health, a future where we’re educating and training the workforce for the jobs of tomorrow. A future that promotes opportunity and respect, where our children want to remain in Alabama. A future where it’s not just easy to register to vote, it’s easy to actually cast a ballot and get to the polls, and have your vote count. A future that appreciates and fosters the talents and abilities of all our people in Alabama.

From improving rural health care, standing up for farmers and manufacturers, expanding rural broadband and increasing funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, I have worked across the aisle to create positive change for Alabamians.

And I have been proud to go to work in the Senate every day finding that common ground and knowing that I have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people I serve.

And I believe that by focusing on that positive change, on One Alabama, it will take us to where we all want to go. We won in 2017 when we put unity over division, and we can win again in 2020.

We’ve got 366 days, folks. 366 days of knocking on doors, making phone calls, and talking to our neighbors about the things we have in common. About what One Alabama means for you. But together, I know we can do it.

Together we’re going to work toward One Alabama, for everyone.



Doug Jones for Senate

We’re Team Doug — we believe there is more that unifies us than divides us. We’re working for #OneAlabama. Official account of Doug Jones for Senate.