A Cricket Dies In My Armshttps://youtube.com/watch?v=K3DQV9UiMn0&feature=youtu.beJun 4, 2024Jun 4, 2024
Mini Golf At Starbucks? Speed Dating At Target? Count Us In.Number 16. Starbucks could let us play mini fucking golf, I mean, if they give a fuck about usDec 27, 2023Dec 27, 2023
What’s The Temperature Of Hell?What if hell is not hot? What if hell is freezing? I’m only asking this because I am much more miserable when I’m freezing than when I am…Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023
Ex-Twitter List: A short list of those who’ve apparently left Elon’s TwitterX or stopped ads and…Nov 21, 2023Nov 21, 2023
Dear journalists and journalism orgs: Please stop X-Twitter shares, embeds, reaction storiesNov 16, 2023Nov 16, 2023