The Corporate Mainstream’s Planned Takeover of YouTube Begins

Down For Good
4 min readMar 26, 2017


Let’s start by looking at the differences between MSM content and the content created by indie creators in the online space. Indie creators have distinct competitive advantages over the MSM because of their agility — they’re not bound by contracts or corporate bureaucracy. This makes them difficult for the MSM to compete in he dynamic online space which has been eating their lunch.

Independent content creators are up in arms because of YouTube’s recent changes. Advertisers began to pull out of the YouTube platform unless YouTube agreed to sanitize its platform. Thus, YouTube began a series of strange algorithmic changes that seemed to result in the deteriorating of network and platform. Examples include the throttling notifications and subscribers being auto unsubbed from from certain indie content creators.

More recently, YouTube introduced “Restricted Mode” which removes or eliminates all of the content from several users that stay well within all term or service boundaries and well within the realm of being advertiser friendly. The interesting thing is to compare MSM YouTube channels that talk about the same types of content that some of the indie creators do — ALL of the content is there for the MSM sources in Restricted Mode while absolutely NO videos from the indie creators. Though users must turn on restricted mode, it’s not hard to image a scenario where it’s forced on users, particularly during political events that can me manipulated through controlling platform.

Philip DeFranco shows how all of his videos are wiped from existence in Restricted Mode

The threat of ad revenue being pulled in mass seemed to be enough to bully YouTube into finding a solution for MSM outlets that have been gushing viewers and revenue in the failing arena of traditional broadcast. Moreover, since the MSM is moving into a new platform — it needs to destroy any main competitors in order to poach available ad revenue and platform. Thus, character assassination on certain individuals with large platforms were tested with great success (PewDiePie, MILO, etc). In other words, the MSM has developed a character assassination strategy for large YouTubers that is geared toward branding them as advertiser friendly and severing their relationships.

This users being targeted in the initial testing of this latest platform removal operation seem to be willing to occasionally speak out against the corrupt democratic establishment that controls both YouTube and the entirety of Silicon Valley. See Eric Schmidt of Alphabet’s relationship with Hillary Clinton and the DNC).

Google + Hillary + DNC = Controlling the Message & What People Find in Search

This initial round of YouTube users targeted, hints at collusion between YouTube, Democrats and the mainstream media finding it hard to adapt to the new tech environment. The intention is not to have this article rooted in politics, yet it’s hard to ignore the timing and the coincidences. It seems that at this particular moment in history, the failing media is desperately trying to pivot into the online space at the same time the deep state and democratic government is desperate to stop dissidence while pushing their own narrative. Both sides would seem to benefit from having a timely removal method from indie creators that threaten either their revenue stream or their narrative.

Deep state / intel communities have partnered with the MSM to leak information detrimental to people’s character in order to mitigate their credibility and remove their platform. In fact, we seen how they collected information on Mike Flynn “incidentally” yet unmasked/identified him and disseminated the info through their network in the mainstream media. At least the NSA/CIA have been consistent, sinc their creation they’ve sought to control the narrative, silence dissidence all while maintaining the guise of privacy, security and free speech.

Whether you believe there is political motivation or not, one cannot deny that censorship is being used to cleanse YouTube and other platforms like Twitter and Facebook. So what can creators do?

Regardless of your political affiliation, heads need to come together and create a new content network that follows a business model that’s hard to replicate for the MSM — outside the scope of ad revenue as the primary business model. Maybe a content creators union is needed to move collectively to new platforms if old ones become corrupted through MSM lobbying and money.

Share your thoughts on how we can avoid being inevitably silenced. 1984 was a warming, not a premonition. We need to fight back!



Down For Good

#DownForGood is a decentralized organization of people with different online skills to come together anonymously for good causes.