Fire is the Natural Energy for the Month of August

August is a time in which you can put a focus on self-development and personal growth.

Dr. Debra Ford
7 min readJun 27, 2022
Source: SolePath Institute

The natural energy that is predominant for the month of August is Fire energy. August is a time in which you can put a focus on self-development and personal growth. A time during which you will shine and others will be naturally drawn to you. This bright, clear energy flows all over our planet in the month of August. Below is a beautiful spiritual practice that will help you to navigate this.

“The Tao shows you that your life has seasons — spring, summer, autumn and winter; that there is a constant opening and closing of energy for all of us; that this is a natural unfolding process; and that this is something to embrace — not to fear.” — Dr. Debra

Through an understanding of the energy, and engaging in this dedicated spiritual practice, it is possible to align yourself with the natural energy of the Tao.

This alignment will create balance in your life; it will enhance your connection to your higher self and with others; it will make it easier for you to live a life of flow; life will be easier; and you will feel happier.

Source: SolePath Institute

Understanding the Energy of August

The energy of the Tao that is closely aligned with the month of August is fire energy.

Fire energy represents growth and charisma and is clear, warm, bright and enlightened. Dr. Debra

The story of Fire Energy

It’s mesmerizing to look at a fire isn’t it? Whether it’s sitting inside on a cold night, feeling the comfort of a warm fire or outside around a campfire, enjoying the uniqueness of being in the circle of light that keeps the dark away. Watching the flames dance and expand, reaching up then falling down. Sometimes seeing pictures in the fire. Sometimes succumbing to the hypnosis of the flames.

Light expanding fire energy is part of your life on those days when you feel really clear about yourself and your life; when you have the courage to be yourself on a unique journey of personal growth and self-development. Light expanding fire energy reflects as independence, confidently living to the beat of your own drum, walking your own path.

Source: SolePath Institute (If you would like to save this affirmation image as a wallpaper for your cell phone, please go to the original article. The link is posted at the end of the article.)

Light expanding fire energy shows up when you are open-minded and enlightened. It shows up when you are approachable and responsive to the suggestions of others. It is also there when you lead by example and by the way you live your life.

You can sense light expanding fire energy within yourself when you get noticed in a crowd; when you shine and others are naturally drawn to you. Light expanding fire energy makes you feel bright and aware, remarkable and thoughtful.

One of the most beautiful things about fire energy is that it takes the smallest flame to light a space. A huge darkened room, can be changed by a small flame. In life it doesn’t take much light expanding fire energy to have a wonderful impact on others. The smallest spark can rekindle the light in others. A brightness within you makes others feel good about themselves, with simple daily interactions that are warm and friendly.

Source: SolePath Institute (If you would like to save this affirmation image as a wallpaper for your cell phone, please go to the original article. The link is posted at the end of the article.)

Excerpts from the book “Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao”, written by Dr. Debra.

Spiritual Practice for the Month of August

Source: SolePath institute

1. Intention

An intention is a goal or something to aim for and setting an intention gives you direction in life. An Intention is your stated desire to act in a certain way and be a certain kind of person. For the month of August, use this intention:

My intention is to live in the energy of fire; to live as a clear, warm, bright and enlightened person who has courage and leads by example.

2. Breath Prayer

A breath prayer is a wonderful way to bring you to the moment, to the ‘now’. Seth teaches that you can only create your life from this moment; life is not created from the past nor from the future. Finding your way to happiness can only be done from now and a breath prayer is a quick and efficient way to bring yourself to this moment.

Find a comfortable sitting position, rest your hands in your lap or hold them by your heart. Close your eyes gently, feel your scalp and forehead soften. Breathe in and breathe out, place your focus and attention on the palms of your hands.

Quietly and to yourself, state:

I am charismatic I am bright and aware and I choose to be true to myself.

Breathe in and breathe out and quietly and to yourself state:

I reprogram myself towards the energy of fire and I breathe in growth and I breathe out fear. I breathe in courage and I breathe out feeling small.

Continue with lovely soft breathing and say a quiet thank you for who you are, exactly as you are.

Source: SolePath Community YouTube Channel

3. Journaling

Journaling can take many forms including writing, drawing or scrapbooking. It is a way to record your experiences so that you can review them at another time and build on what you have learnt. Often journaling allows for insights that you may not receive if you don’t take this creative time to reflect.

Journaling questions:

Q1: What happens in your life when you allow yourself to shine? When you feel bright and aware?

Q2: What does your journey of personal growth and self development look like?

Q3: Do you have courage? Courage to be yourself, courage to be independent, courage to walk your own path?

Q4: How do you interact with others? Are the words — open-minded, enlightened, approachable, responsive, thoughtful — part of your interactions?

4. Antidote and Action

There are things that you can do, action that you can take, to bring fire energy and the profound teachings of the Tao into your life. In August, make a choice to:

  1. Connect with others by sharing your light.
  2. Balance your life by focusing on your personal growth and individual development.
  3. Find flow and non-resistance by consciously not making assumptions about what others are doing, thinking or feeling. Let them be.

The Other Months of the Year

August has the energy of fire. Below is a table of the natural energy of the Tao and the months of the year.

Source: SolePath Institute

Just for fun you might like to consider:

  1. What is the energy of your month of birth?
  2. How does that relate to your SolePath? Your LightPaths? Your DarkPath? Your governing number?
  3. If it’s unrelated to any part of your SolePath braid, what might that mean? How does this natural energy manifest in your life?

If you would like a conversation with a SolePath mentor to talk about the energy of your birth month, email and we will connect you.

Originally published at on June 27, 2022.

Author: Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D.

Dr. Debra is one of the world’s foremost experts in metaphysical energy. She has a doctorate in metaphysical science and is a metaphysical philosophy teacher. She is an ordained minister and member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association and the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry.

Dr. Debra’s SolePath is Inspirational Teacher and Spiritual Mystic. It is this SolePath that allows her to connect, create and communicate the original SolePath body of work.

Dr. Debra’s work is based on the Tao. She is the author of 17 books including ‘SolePath the path to purpose and a beautiful life, Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao and her children’s book ‘Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure’.

Join Dr. Debra on the Insight Timer meditation app for guided meditations, LIVE meditations, mentoring, courses, workshops and more.

What is Metaphysics?

It is one of the main branches of philosophy (along with epistemology, logic, ethics) and deals with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge.

What is SolePath?

Everyone is born with a SolePath. It is your unique, individual Spiritual Personality Profile. ‘Sole’ because it is solely about you. ‘Path’ because it guides you on your life’s journey.


Grateful thanks to Dr. Janice Brown for the creation of the wonderful blog images. All article imagery for SolePath Information is created in Canva, using Canva stock images.



Dr. Debra Ford

Dr. DebraFord is one the world’s foremost experts in metaphysical energy. She has a doctorate in Metaphysical Science & is author of many books based on the Tao