Dear Deepika

Dr. Sahar Bhaloo
2 min readJan 19, 2015


Thank you, sincerely, for boldly sharing with the world that depression can truly look like any of us. Your bravery is commendable. In a world where mental illness is suffered in silence you have been one of few in a position of power to speak out. Your actions not only bring light to a subject kept in darkness, but also unveil the many masks that hide depression.

“Every 30 seconds somewhere someone takes their own life due to depression.” Most of us know some variation of this statistic and yet it always seems like someone else’s problem until it’s suddenly becomes one of our loved ones or ourselves. In Deepika’s case it was both. We live in a society of stigma as Kevin Breel says in his TED talk on depression, “ where if you break your arm, everyone runs over to sign your cast, but if you tell people you’re depressed they run the other way; we are so accepting of any body part breaking down and needing support except our brains.”

It is a sad truth, but it doesn’t have to continue to be. Free of stigma we can also be free to make crucial decisions about seeking professional help and support in the most challenging of times.

It is a little know fact that India is the suicide capital of the world. However it is also now the home of Bollywood’s most courageous leading lady and mental illness awareness advocate. With that comes hope that India can be in the forefront of changing attitudes towards mental illness not just at home, but around the world.

How we react to the worst moments in our lives define us. In what I will assume to be one of your darkest times, Deepika, instead of joining the masses of people hiding their pain so as not to feel judged, crazy or indulgent, you embraced the challenge and led by example. I was inspired to see that you’ve not only shared your story but taken on a refreshingly active approach in supporting mental health awareness. I can’t wait to see what initiatives you and your team bring forward and I hope you will consider myself and others in the field a resource in this project.

via @deepikapadukone

To all the Deepika Padukone fans out there, I challenge you to follow her example. Be bold, be fearless, and start talking about the issues of stigma and mental illness. Reach out to anyone you know who might be in the midst of their struggle and at the same time, take an honest look your own pre-conceptions, assumptions and judgments.

It’s time to talk, it’s time for change.


