Bastian Weilshtain
5 min readSep 11, 2023

“Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins: Unleashing the Power of the Human Spirit

David Goggins and Adam Skolnick wrote the compelling memoir and self-help book “Can’t Hurt Me”. The story’s protagonist and author, David Goggins, describes his admirable transformation from a disturbed, overweight young man to one of the world’s hardest endurance athletes, a Navy SEAL, and an ultramarathon runner. His experience serves as a monument to the human spirit’s limitless potential when it is tested, disciplined, and stretched to the maximum.

Chapter 1: Calloused Mind

Goggins describes his difficult upbringing in rural Indiana, which was characterised by deprivation, racism, and cruelty. He talks of his controlling father, his own low self-worth, and the sense of pessimism that pervaded his early years. The phrase “calloused mind” reappears frequently, signifying the mental fortitude that Goggins would ultimately acquire as a result of his unrelenting quest for self-improvement.

Chapter 2: You’re Special Forces Material

David Goggins enlists in the U.S. Air Force but soon learns that the demanding pararescue training is not for him. Although he faces tremendous physical and mental hardships during BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training, he decides to enlist in the Navy SEALs because he is convinced that regular people are capable of doing remarkable things if they have the correct attitude.

Chapter 3: Pain

As Goggins endures tremendous physical trials during BUD/S, where the majority of recruits drop out due to the intolerable agony, the idea of “embrace the suck” begins to take shape. Goggins perseveres by breaking down his obstacles into smaller, more attainable goals, demonstrating that while suffering may be fleeting, pride and respect for oneself endure.

Chapter 4: Taking Souls

Goggins goes on to join the Navy SEALs but encounters racism within the SEAL squads. He takes on any task that gives him the chance to “take souls” and prove his worth, channelling his annoyance into becoming a formidable leader and one of the finest in his industry.

Chapter 5: The 40% Rule

The “40% Rule,” a major subject in the book, is introduced by Goggins, who contends that the majority of individuals only use 40% of their ability. He talks about his ultramarathon experiences and how he used discipline and mental toughness to access the remaining 40% of his potential. He exhorts readers to go beyond their imagined boundaries in order to realise their full potential.

Chapter 6: The Cookie Jar

Goggins offers the metaphorical “cookie jar” idea as a way to draw power from past successes and experiences. When faced with difficulty, he dips into his mental cookie jar to conjure up memories of past victories, strengthening his confidence in his capacity to get through difficulties.

Chapter 7: The Most Powerful Weapon

According to Goggins, the mind is the most powerful tool, and with self-discipline, anyone can turn their weaknesses into strengths. He emphasises the value of confronting anxieties and accepting vulnerability as a path to personal development.

Chapter 8: Taking Souls (Again)

Goggins thinks back on his SEAL deployments, where he took part in challenging combat missions. Even in the most hazardous situations, he keeps the “taking souls” mentality and concentrates on his unrelenting quest of perfection.

Chapter 9: The 100-Mile Race

The author discusses how he got started in the ultramarathon running community. He talks about preparing for the notorious Badwater 135 ultramarathon, which is 135 miles long and takes place in Death Valley. Goggins succeeds in finishing the arduous race thanks to his unwavering resolve and mental toughness, gaining him praise from the ultramarathon world.

Chapter 10: Goggins Challenge

Goggins introduces the “Goggins Challenge,” a 48-hour running challenge that requires a 4-mile run every four hours. He describes how this difficult exercise in stamina and mental fortitude turned into a task that drove him to the edge.

Chapter 11: The Accountability Mirror

Goggins experiences a life-changing event when he looks in the mirror and admits his flaws. He talks about how accepting responsibility for his acts and pursuing personal development led to a turning point in his life.

Chapter 12: The Process

Goggins stresses the significance of accepting the daily grind and using a process-oriented strategy to reach objectives. According to him, success is a process that calls for constant work rather than a final destination.

Chapter 13: Fear of the Suck

Goggins talks about how fear prevents people from achieving their objectives. He exhorts people to face their concerns by reassuring them that worry is a normal response to change and development.

Chapter 14: The Uncommon Amongst the Common

Goggins considers the similarities he has with professional athletes and other SEALs. He emphasises that with tremendous effort and resolve, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

Chapter 15: What If…

Goggins urges readers to face their “what ifs” — regrets and lost possibilities — in life. He contends that by overcoming discomfort and fear, individuals can transform their “what ifs” into “what’s next.”

Chapter 16: Taking Souls (Final Thoughts)

Goggins revisits his “taking souls” philosophy in the final chapter and exhorts readers to never give up on their dreams of greatness. He emphasises the significance of resilience, self-belief, and an unshakable dedication to personal development.

Afterword: A Call to Action

Goggins challenges his audience to take charge of their lives, push past their comfort zones, and use discomfort as a springboard for self-transformation.


The inspiring memoir “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins not only chronicles the extraordinary life of a man who overcame adversity, but also offers useful advice and methods for achieving success and personal improvement. Readers are inspired to embrace hardship, push their boundaries, and discover their hidden potential via Goggins’ moving journey. The book serves as a manual for cultivating mental fortitude, adaptability, and an unbreakable spirit that can overcome any challenge in the pursuit of one’s goals. It is proof of the human spirit’s boundless potential when it is trained with discipline and tenacity.

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Bastian Weilshtain

I'm Bastian Weilshtain, a seasoned German article writer with over a decade of experience. Born and raised in Berlin, I've honed my storytelling skills.