Eat More Chocolate: It’s Actually Good For You

Allen Kamrava
2 min readMay 6, 2016


Chocolate is good for you!? It sounds like one of those ‘too good to be true’ things, but according to medical research, dark chocolate is actually a very healthy superfood. In fact investigators have concluded that chocolate is good for the brain, heart, and circulation and contains Flavonols, antioxidants that help fight against cancer.

Dark Chocolate

Good for the Heart and Mind

  • Dark chocolate helps restore artery flexibility and it prevents white blood cells from attaching themselves to blood vessel walls.
  • Dark chocolate consumption helps lower the risk of stroke by 17%.
  • Its anti-inflammatory qualities can help treat brain injuries like concussions.
  • Memory loss in seniors is thought to be reduced by chocolate consumption
  • Chocolate helps you feel happy because it contains Phenylethylamine (PEA), a chemical created by the brain to encourage the release of endorphins.
  • PEA also makes you feel like you’re falling in love, which may be a reason why chocolate is associated with romance.

Good for the Body

  • Dark chocolate helps with weight loss because eating a small amount before a meal triggers hormones in the brain that make you feel fuller faster.
  • Furthermore, it may help prevent diabetes because it improves insulin sensitivity.
  • Chocolate has also been shown to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and raise the levels of good cholesterol.
  • Additionally the flavonols found in dark chocolate provide extra protection from the sun, which could help lead to healthier skin.



Allen Kamrava

Board-certified colorectal surgeon who specializes in hemorrhoid treatment, colon cancer surgery, pilonidal disease, and more.