Wellness Lessons We All Need From a Pandemic

Surprisingly, many are feeling calm, healthy, even happy

Ayala Laufer-Cahana M.D.


Photo: FotoRieth/Pixabay

Weeks are turning into months, yet many of us are still under shelter-in-place and lockdown orders. Physical distancing, unthinkable last year, is shaping into a new norm. These are strange and difficult times, but many of the people I talk to are surprised by how they’ve adapted; they sheepishly admit that amid the storm and collective suffering they’re feeling calm, healthy, even happy.

What’s the secret? We, humans, are very good at adaptation — our history and biology are testimony to that. The human brain is flexible and finds away, but what’s true for our species doesn’t always apply to us as individuals — some of us are doing better than others.

Here are a few inspiring health lessons for these challenging times.

Between challenge and surrender

With so much uncertainty, what you can control is your attitude, says food blogger Denise Bustard. “The number one thing I’ve learned during quarantine is that I can’t control everything in my life. There are some curveballs that life throws at you that you can’t ‘fix’, and you just need to surrender and accept it, whether you feel positively or negatively towards the experience. I spent weeks in quarantine



Ayala Laufer-Cahana M.D.

Physician (pediatrics and medical genetics), entrepreneur, artist, innovative plant-based cook and mother of three