Why We Never See Carrots on a Pizza?

I have a few ideas.

Dr. Christine Dimoff
2 min readMay 23, 2024
Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

You could put carrots on your pizza. But then you’d have to eat it. As long as the carrots are cooked and very soft it would probably be alright. I don’t think you’d really taste them though.

It would be similar to potato on pizza. Have you tried a mashed potato pizza? It's not terrible. Tip of the day: Put wedges in your pizza, you won’t regret it. I probably managed to offend every Italian by now! Sorry! I will not touch the pasta, I promise!

So, why the no carrots thing? I’d guess because carrot takes fairly long to become tender, and pizza is baked pretty briefly.

Can we make pizza with carrots? Yes, but we can not give people the right to choose any topping they want! When I lived in Italy, some Italians had a rule of three toppings max, and some things were never toppings, ever.

Even pasta, three ingredients max, the type of sauce not always included but sometimes it was. Some combos of ingredients had a “never this ingredient” rule too. But I met a young cook who made lemon cream pasta among some other wild types. That was somewhat of a sacrilege to the old heads, but people liked it so anything was possible.

I believe that now someone is going to read my story and make a whole damn business of it. It’s questionable whether it will last long and if anyone would even buy something like that. But you know what Winnie the Pooh said? Any pizza is better than no pizza. Or something like that. After all, this is the internet, and not everything is as it seems.

