Body Language Analysis №4080: Getting Under Donald Trump’s Skin — San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Reacting to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Dr. Jack Brown
4 min readSep 30, 2017


Earlier today, President Trump reacted to criticism on what many have said are the poor recovery efforts the US government has put forth in Puerto Rico.

He lashed out at Carmen Yulín Cruz — the Mayor of San Juan via Twitter.

He attacked her leadership — “and others in Puerto Rico”.

Moreover, the President made a distinction which he didn’t say about those suffering from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma: “They want everything to be done for them …”

President Trump’s retaliation was probably, at least in part, due to his interpretation of Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz’s interview yesterday on CNN. Part of this interview includes the Mayor’s reaction to Acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke’s statement. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of both Mayor Yulín Cruz and Acting Secretary Duke.

Acting Secretary Homeland Security Elaine Duke (beginning at 0:02): “I am very satisfied. Ahum, I, I know it’s a hard storm to recover from — but the amount of progress that’s been made and, and I really ahum — would appreciate any support, that, that we get. I know it — it, it is really a good news story — in terms of our ability to, to reach people — and the limited number of deaths that have taken place in such a devastating hurricane…

During 0:09–0:11, as Acting Secretary Duke says, “… and, and I really ahum …”, she shrugs her shoulders while simultaneously displaying an extended blink (please view the video as this nonverbal signal is not able to be captured in a single photo).

Shoulder shrugging indicates the emotions of:

• I don’t know
• I don’t care
• What difference does it make
• What could (can) I do?
• What choice did (do) I have?

While the Hurricane itself is, of course, a natural disaster — these are not thought-emotions which are congruent with the feelings she claims in her statement: of “I know it — it, it is really a good news story — in terms of our ability to, to reach people”. This dramatic disparity between her verbal and nonverbal message indicates she does not believe her own words.

As Acting Secretary Duke makes her statement, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz (who is listening but isn’t seeing Duke’s image on screen) displays a combination of facial signals indicating coexisting emotions.

What most people will first notice is her eyebrows are both being drawn together — and also directed downward. In addition, the Mayor’s eyelids are mostly closed. This forehead-eye combination projects primarily bewilderment but also anger.

Now, look at her jaw. The Mayor’s mandible is thrust forward (although this dynamic is a bit difficult to appreciate because it’s directed toward the camera). This indicates an adrenaline surge indicative of anger.

The Mayor’s mouth is also partly opened. But it’s not widely opened — only partially. This partially-opened jaw is an outward manifestation of Emotional Processing (e.g. I know what I just heard, but I don’t quite believe it — did she really just say that?!). This is sometimes referred to as “Slack-Jawed” — but it’s a bit different than it’s typically displayed since it’s also mixed with the forward jaw movement (jaw jut) of anger.

Mayor Yulín Cruz’s entire facial expression can be summed up in the common colloquial, “WTF?!”

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See also:

Body Language Analysis №4079: Tom Price, Private Jets, and Nonverbal Disparity — Emotional Intelligence Secrets

Body Language Analysis №4077: A Facial Expression Common to Both Bad Actors and Sociopaths

Body Language Analysis №4075: Equifax Chairman and CEO Richard F. Smith Steps Down After Massive Hack/Data Breach

Body Language Analysis №4073: Prince Harry and Melania Trump Meet in Canada for Invictus Games — Harry’s Hand Signal

Body Language Analysis №4061: Pennywise,”IT”, and Bill Skarsgård’s Demonic Smile — Why is IT so Scary?

Body Language Analysis №4020: Bruce Willis and the “Death Wish” Remake

Body Language Analysis №3995: Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, and the G20 Group Photo

Body Language Analysis №3933: Sally Yates Testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3911: Simone Biles gets Pranked on “Ellen”

This post and the associated website serve as reference sources for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts — not to advance any political, religious or other agenda.


