Body Language Analysis №4199: Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, and their Insane Mission Impossible Helicopter Stunt • Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Dr. Jack Brown
3 min readFeb 8, 2018


Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson (along with Simon Pegg and Henry Cavill) were recently guests on The Graham Norton Show promoting their new film, Mission: Impossible — Fallout. What follows is a nonverbal analysis of one particular and fascinating moment.

For about 1.5–2.0 seconds both Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson (3:00–3:02, Mr. Cruise for a slightly shorter duration) simultaneously displace their jaws’ to their right. Neither could see the other person’s face — but they were feeling precisely the same thought-emotions at exactly the same time

This nonverbal display is known as a Jaw Confessional. A jaw confessional is a brief lateral thrusting of the jaw which accompanies the beta emotions of embarrassment. It’s also seen during apologies — as well as scenarios such as we see here — e.g., as if to say (in confession), “Look at this stupid thing I (we) did.

Summary: Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson are both feeling embarrassed, more than somewhat stupid, and sheepish for performing this stunt in the latest Mission Impossible film.

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See also:

Body Language Analysis №4198: Lupita Nyong’o, Black Panther, and Attention to Detail

Body Language Analysis №4196: Trey Gowdy on “Face The Nation”

Body Language Analysis №4191: President Trump’s State Of The Union Speech

Body Language Analysis №4133: Vladimir Putin’s Default Face

Body Language Analysis №4081: Catalonia’s Referendum vs. Spain’s Control

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №2314: Naomi Watts Pre-Oscar Interview and her Body Language of the “Jaw Confessional” and the Sincerity Quotient

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3833: Samuel L. Jackson, Magic Johnson and a Yacht

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3782: Zoey Deutch, Ryan Seacrest and Embarrassment

Body Language Analysis №4193: Hope Hicks, Sexual Attraction, Armpits, and Elbows

This post and the associated website serve as reference sources for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts — not to advance any political, religious or other agenda.


