Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3771: Tom Hanks Reenacts Iconic Forrest Gump Scene — Body Language and Emotional Intelligence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Dr. Jack Brown
3 min readNov 30, 2016


During his recent guest appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Tom Hanks was asked to re-enact one of his more well-remembered scenes from his Oscar Winning performance in Forrest Gump (Hanks also received another best actor Oscar in the film Philadelphia).

From a body language perspective, it’s profoundly illustrative to observe such skilled actors when they’re “just being themselves” — and this example is no exception.

When Graham Norton asks him to re-enact the line from the film Forrest Gump — Tom Hanks (Sitting next to Mo Farah) immediately (and very briefly) touches his right eye with his right hand (2:21) as he squeezes his right thigh with his left hand (lasting about 2–3 seconds), an instant before he says “I would — be happy to do it, but you must show the lady with the cue card — because otherwise people will think I’ve actually memorized this so ….

Hanks then proceeds to squeeze his left thigh for a longer duration.

Real-life often has a mixing of several simultaneous emotions. When Mr. Hanks touched his right eye, this was (subconsciously) signaling his telling of a little lie (“I would — be happy to do it …”) — but also at the same time, he was feeling anxiety about the act of delivering the line — thus his thigh squeezing.

Although professional actors “pretend for a living” (lying within the social contract of acting) — they’re of course only human. Therefore their true selves (true emotions) are constantly “leaking” through — and are easily seen — if you know what to look for. The same is true in the every day world (for the other 99.99% who are not nearly as skilled as Hanks) — and their deception signals also leak through and are easily spotted — if you know what to look for.

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3770: Fidel Castro, Ed Sullivan and Mirroring

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3768: Cuban Leader Fidel Castro Dies

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3765: Conjoined twins Jadon and Anias McDonald — See each other directly for the first time

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3763: Matt Smith, Claire Foy and Where NOT to be stung by a Wasp — Body Language, Emotional Intelligence and Predicting Empathy

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3707: The Presidential Debates Part III — Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton and Sniffing

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3674: Drake Presents Rihanna with Vanguard Award — 2016 MTV Video Music Awards

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3634: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the Democratic National Convention, Emails and Body Language

Nonverbal Communication Analysis №3563: Ariana Grande, Lip Stick, Microexpressions and Body Language

This post and the associated website serve as reference sources for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts — not to advance any political, religious or other agenda.


