10 Smart Ways to Avoid Loneliness on Valentine’s Day

Dr. Greg Kushnick
10 min readFeb 11, 2016

This post is dedicated to helping you turn your loneliness into aloneness on Valentine’s Day.

Loneliness is an aching heaviness, a sting to your emotional core from the bite of unmet expectations and lost chances. It’s a dark place widened by the recent loss of love and romantic attention.

We all know how painful it is to feel lonely on the holidays, especially one that nudges you to gauge the quality and quantity of romantic love in your life. Basically, Valentine’s Day forces many single people (and others in unfulfilling relationships) to battle with the reality of what’s missing.

On Valentine’s Day loneliness can make it feel like an unflattering mirror is following your life around for the day, reflecting back to you life’s most painful angles. Yes, it’s an awful feeling, especially on this one stinking day.

I’m here to guide you around and out of as many Valentine’s sinkholes as possible. My goal is to push you toward greater acceptance of this moment which translates into greater comfort with being alone.

From Loneliness to Aloneness

Moving from loneliness to aloneness requires an openness to accepting the here-and-now enough maintain perspective on and resistance to intense, unmet needs. When you’re ok…



Dr. Greg Kushnick

Innovative Manhattan Psychologist offering highly actionable mental health advice. Creator: Vomo (Quick Motivational Lessons) & Techealthiest (Happy Tech Blog)