4 Low-Impact Exercises for a Healthy Brain and Body

Dr. Jason Campbell
4 min readFeb 23, 2022


Did you know that exercise is one of the best things you can do for your brain and body? Not only does it help keep you healthy, but it can also improve your mood, memory, and focus.

What is considered low-impact exercise? Low-impact exercise is any type of physical activity that does not involve jumping or running. This includes activities like walking, biking, swimming, and yoga.

Low-impact exercise is a good choice for people who are new to fitness or who have joint pain or other underlying injuries or issues. It is also a great way to get your workout in if you don’t have a lot of time.

Here are four low-impact exercises that are great for your brain and body.

1. Walking

One of the easiest and most effective exercises is walking. All you need is a good pair of shoes and some time to get moving. Research has found that regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, can improve brain function and protect against age-related decline. So go for a walk outside today and enjoy the fresh air.

Walking is also easy to incorporate into your busy daily life. For example, park a little farther from the store next time you’re running errands or grocery shopping. Use the stairs instead of the elevator when you get to the office in the morning. Take a lap around your office (or your house) every hour to keep your body moving. The steps will add up quickly.

2. Swimming

Swimming is another great low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints. It is a great way to get your cardio in, and it also provides some resistance training. Swimming can help improve mood, cognitive function, and memory.

If you don’t have access to a swimming pool, there are some low-impact exercises you can do from home. These exercises mimic the movements of active swimming and get your blood flowing.

For example, try flutter kicks. Lay flat on your back with your arms at your side. Slowly lift your feet off the ground about 4 to 6 inches. Keep your legs straight, point your toes and make rapid alternating kicks — just as you would in the water. Do this for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat. Start with two sets and work your way up.

3. Yoga

Another great low-impact exercise is yoga. Yoga is a mind-body workout that can help improve focus, mood, and cognitive function. In fact, yoga can improve memory, posture, and pain. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety.

Pranayama is the yogic practice of focusing on breathing. In Sanskrit, prana means “vital life force,” and yama means “to gain control.” Regulated breathing along with the stretching and physical motions of activity combine for a low-impact exercise that can relieve pain, lower blood pressure, and calm the mind.

4. Biking

Biking is a great outdoor exercise. Not only does it give you a good cardio workout, but it also provides some resistance training. Biking can help improve mood, cognitive function, and memory.

Because biking is a low-impact exercise, it’s ideal for those with arthritis in the hips, knees, or ankles or those who are recovering from joint injury. It’s also a fantastic option for those who do a lot of standing while they work, as it helps develop stronger calf muscles and provides further stability to joints.

If you’re going to enjoy a bike ride, take care to be safe. Always wear a helmet and look for bike-safe trails and areas without too much vehicular traffic.

How Low-Impact Exercise Is Good for the Brain

Low-impact exercises are important for brain function. They provide a good cardio workout, which helps improve blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Exercise also helps protect against age-related decline in the brain. Additionally, regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, and even boost the immune system.

How Low-Impact Exercise Is Good for the Body

Low-impact exercises are important for the body as well. They help keep the joints healthy and can prevent injuries. Exercise also helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve overall health. Regular low-impact exercise can help build your stamina for more intense workouts like strength training and more active cardio if you have higher fitness goals, as well.

Takeaways on Low-Impact Exercises

If you are looking for a way to get started with fitness, or if you are dealing with joint pain, these exercises are a great place to start. Get moving today and see the benefits for yourself.



Dr. Jason Campbell

Dr. Campbell earned his MD from The Ohio State University College of Medicine and received several awards and accolades from the school.