Collected Stories from Dr John Rose.

Dr John Frederick Rose
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2022

Loosely Organised List of Stories with Short Descriptions.

One of my bookshelves for much loved books. Picture by John Rose.

This is my collection of stories and I have sort of, kind of, arranged them in an order that only makes sense after a few cups of hot, delicious, strong, black coffee. I guess I have to re-arrange my book shelves too, I thought they were self-arranging.

Personal Information.

The “me” biography:

The “technology me” biography:

Gaia and Gaian Thinking.

My first story in Illumination dates from 2020. and it was titled “Gaia and I”. So it seemed fitting that when I re-joined Illumination after all the pandemic lockdowns and dislocation that I revisit my original story:

Over time, I have developed a way to help me understand some of the complex interactions in Gaia’s ecosystems:

Sometimes I just marvel at the notion of “Life Finds a Way”:

Thinking About Series.

The “Thinking About Series” is a section on tools I use in my research and thinking about issues and problems I encounter. One thing that is vital for a researcher is to know when an idea is “new”.


This is my second time as a writer and consulting editor in the Illumination publications. Previously I wrote much poetry. This time around I thought I’ll write about Gaia, my ideas on knowledge management and perhaps my current research project. But, I walked in the little forest nearby, came home, had tea, read and watched TV. A fitful sleep later, this poem scrolled through my head, so here it is:

Reflections on my daily walks. The mind walks in peace:

John’s Community of Family and Friends.



Dr John Frederick Rose

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.