The 10 Kings of Psalms 83, Daniel 2 and Revelation 17

Dr. Paul MacDonald RN RMN MA Dipl
4 min readJan 17, 2014

Contrary to popular belief, the 10 Kings of Revelation 17 and of Daniel 2 (represented by the 10 toes) they are not representative of a World Union, but more of a Middle Eastern one.

The 11th King (horn) that follows on from these, the one that makes “great boasts” is the Antichrist.

He has at least 33 titles in the Hebrew Scriptures alone, the most common one being “the Assyrian”.

With a title like “the Assyrian”, it’s clear that the Antichrist does not come from Rome, neither is his Kingdom an extension of Rome, but as the Bible clearly highlights, his Kingdom is one that was, is not, and yet will be again.

What does this mean? Of all the Kingdoms that have come and gone (the Kingdoms that have ruled over God’s (Yahweh’s) people), Assyria is the only one that appears to have disappeared from the annals of history as it were (historically and archaeologically).

It will be a Kingdom that will arise again in the future to become the most dominant in all the Earth.

So, if these 10 Kings of Revelation 17, Daniel 2 and Psalms 83 clearly don’t belong to a Western Confederacy as the Bible demonstrates, and that there is no mention at all of a Western Confederacy in the Bible (if one looks carefully one will not find it) and going on this premise, where do these 10 Kings come from of this Western Confederacy (so called) that so many preach and teach about?

Psalms 83 informs us that these 10 Kings (that have it in mind to come upon Israel) will come from out of Edom, Ishmaelite, Moab, Hagrites, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, Philistia, Tyre and Assyria. Psalms 83 says that these 10 Kings (that will eventually unite and come against Israel) are all Nations that are not only ones of Arabic origin, but ones that are immediately “neighboring” the Land of Israel:

These 10 Kings will not only eventually unite and then grant the 11th King (the Antichrist aka the Little Horn) the power to rule supremely, but also have one idea in mind, and this idea is to destroy the Woman (Mystical Babylon).

This destruction occurs just prior to the 11th Kings rise to power which is just prior to the outbreak of the Great Tribulation (the last 42 Months of Mankind’s History). These 10 Kings (bar 3) will unite and come against Israel (the Evil that Comes out of the North).

As we have demonstrated earlier, we are not in the Time of the End yet, and nor are we likely to go into it anytime soon, as there are still many more events that must take place before the Iron Beast like Kingdom that the Woman Rides appears.

This Beast/Iron like Kingdom has its origins in the Middle East, in Babylon (modern day Iraq). This Kingdom is something (as Daniel says) appears in the Latter Part of the Days (The Latter Part of the Days must be distinguished from Time of the End and Day of the LORD/Jehovah/Yahweh. As we have said previously, somehow, the Political, Economical and Religious World of today must first migrate back to where they had their origins, not only so that the events of Daniel 11 can begin, but so that they will also receive their final destruction.

There is no mention of Britain, America or any other Nation outside what has been written in God’s (Yahweh’s) word the Bible.

We do not know what will be going on in these Nations, or if they will even be existing. Egypt, Babylon, Shinar, Euphrates, Assyria and the Assyrian are not idiomatic of anything or indeed anyone else other than what they are. God’s (Yahweh’s) word says what it means and means what it says.

This is also the same for the enemies of Israel (the 10 Kings) that are listed in Psalms 83. We encourage all to re-examine what they believe by looking into God’s (Yahweh’s) word for themselves for it is only “accurate knowledge” (as Jesus Christ himself had said) that will lead to everlasting life.

Elijah Returns



Dr. Paul MacDonald RN RMN MA Dipl

Lived in China, Russia, Israel and Iraq. Qualified IELTS Instructor. Teacher of German and French.