10 Signs Your Wife Is Just Not That Into You

Many men take their wives’ post-honeymoon stage lowered libido personally when they shouldn’t, as this is a natural phenomenon that occurs even if you still find your husband very attractive. But there are also men on the other end of the spectrum, who are denying and ignoring all signs that their wife is in fact completely checked out of the marriage and is only hanging around for the kids or not to rock the boat. Here are 10 signs that your wife is in fact just not that into you, and is feeling more like this dynamic. (By the way, for all the commenters that are obsessed about being even-steven, there is no 10 signs your husband isn’t into you list because genders do not act identically. The below graphic should help.)

And now back to the topic at hand, how to tell that your wife just isn’t that into you.

  1. She never wants to spend time together. She does not want date nights, or to hang out and talk on the couch. If she isn’t a big talker, she still doesn’t want you to join her at her activities, anything from the gym to grocery shopping. She needs lots of “me time.” She could easily go months or even years without spending alone time together, but you are too scared to find out, so you keep scheduling things for the two of you to do despite her tepid responses.
  2. She doesn’t want to touch at all. This is only…

