Darkest Hour


When the Dragon soars,

Given flight by weak hearts:

Men too afraid to see Its truth,

Ragged wings

. blotting out the Sun:

Drawing lines of fire

. between heaven & earth;

Its shriek ringing in thick air:

Fear pressing downward,

Inviting faces to kiss the dirt,

“Happy” for a chance to live:

Breathing dust

. which clogs their eyes,

Considering slavery as survival,

Their tongues dry with placid words:

The kind that quell brave hearts…

In the Darkest Hour

. they made their choice:



Never surrender!


Good luck on the Oscars! What a phenomenal, historically accurate production.



Richard Palmquist, DVM GDVCHM CCHVM

I'm an integrative veterinarian interested in healing. I'd prefer to speak in poetry as we awaken the #HealingCommunity. Let's play together.