Don’t Call It Politics


Don’t tell us lies,

Don’t call it Politics,

Don’t smile:

Representing Justice,

As you tear the truth…

Don’t punch a hole:

Leaking gossip —

In the name of Security,

Don’t gasp,

. when we ask —

About your part

. in scripted plots…


Constructs created

. in secret places:

A blanket:

. blocking light,

An impenetrable curtain:

Made to kill the sun…

Don’t lie…& cheat & steal —

For the “win:”

Something manufactured,

Something invented,

Just to harm…

Don’t use your Choice,

To silence other Voices…

A cancer you call Politics:

We see as wickedness:

A sin of Ego:

Of lies and coveting,

Violating every love,

Relegating freedom

. to an rotting ash heap:

Betraying every trust…

Don’t call that politics,

Don’t call that world “real:”

It’s a bloody awful lie,

It’s a crime against us all,




Richard Palmquist, DVM GDVCHM CCHVM

I'm an integrative veterinarian interested in healing. I'd prefer to speak in poetry as we awaken the #HealingCommunity. Let's play together.