
I think this is important. Naming what we want is a challenge. We often don’t know or are learning ourselves.

We all want love.

But, how we define that love is where we stumble.

We look for love. Sometimes we need or crave specific kinds of Love. And love is such a vast subject, we could consider a series of lifetimes nothing more than love lessons.

Respect? Well, that is love manifesting. It mean Re=again + Spect=to look.

Respect is Love looking again, seeking the better reveal of who we really are — the true I Am of each of us.

If I look and see flesh, the color of skin or hair…if I look and see chromosomes or body shapes, well, then I have some ideas.

But, if I look again, oh, if we connect and share, then I learn more who you really are.

Generally, the more we look, the better we love.

I think, please correct me as you wish…I think we want respect so we can be more who we are and be celebrated for our gifts, as well as our failings. And love lets both coexist while uniting us in better creative and constructive paths.

My rules. My law:

It’s all love.

Love, love more













Love, love more…

Love better…





Richard Palmquist, DVM GDVCHM CCHVM

I'm an integrative veterinarian interested in healing. I'd prefer to speak in poetry as we awaken the #HealingCommunity. Let's play together.