Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Electromotive Force

Dr. Roy Murphy
9 min readSep 16, 2018


I have witnessed first hand both electric generators and motors which seem to output more energy than is being consumed. All of the laws of physics dictate that this cannot be true. Either I am the unwitting butt of an elaborate hoax, or there is something that the greater scientific community has failed to comprehend.

There seems to be a phenomena which occurs, where our instruments of measurement indicate a sum factor of values in two dimensions, which works in circuitry but not in the weird and wonderful three-dimensional world of magnetism.

If true, this means that scientists and engineers have been missing the trick for amazing hyper-efficiencies in motor and generator design in an industry which has progressed very little in over 100 years.

Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Electromotive Force


An observational relativistic quantum electrodynamic phenomenon in which the spin angular momentum carried by a circularly polarized magnetic field is converted into orbital angular momentum, leading to the generation of helical modes with a wave-front helicity controlled by the input polarisation. This phenomenon requires the inhomogeneous and anisotropic interaction of photons with electrons within electric and magnetic fields with adiabatic interactions and amplification upon introduction and removal of one of those fields. This phenomenon requires a perturbance of Maxwell’s Equations (James Clerk Maxwell -1865) to be limited to correlations between Voltage and Electromotive Force to only two-dimensional reference points. This electromotive force occurs in all design configurations of electric motors and generators whether AC, DC, brushless, induction, synchronous, toroidal or any other.

The underlying physics of these phenomena are associated with the so-called Pancharatnam-Berry geometrical phases involved between two interference paths during polarisation invoking a phase shift akin to the Aharonov-Bohm effect. This theorem aligns with the Standard Model Axion Seesaw Higgs Portal Inflation theory, Newton’s Laws of Thermodynamics and the backbone of classical electrodynamics such as Lorentz, Faraday and Newton.

Concise Theory

This theorem, in short, describes the supposition of inequalities observed in the measurement of system efficiencies in various types of electric motors, generators and alternators. Measuring current has historically been limited to the metronomic measurement of the amplitude and resonant modulation of a sine wave in two dimensions. Orbital angular momentum occurs in three dimensions, yet the tools we use to measure power, such as the wattmeter to measure power or an ammeter to measure current, do not calculate latent voltage potential held within an electromagnetic coil or calculate a true power factor. Electromagnetic fields are orbital and are anisotropic, so a sine wave is just a mere interpolation of its angular momentum. Given these shortfalls it has become evident that current technology is limited to measuring only the net amount of work of a load impedance within the confines of Maxwellian equations.

Understanding that power in this sense does not equally constitute energy outside of a circuit, requires us to think very differently when applying analogue measuring devices to measure total generated power in a system which can only measure net power across a terminal.

Thus, there are various hyper-efficiencies to be gained in electrical generation and an equal amount of hyper-efficiencies to be gained by reducing energy consumption in electric motors by understanding the dynamics of applying the knowledge of such intrinsic systems into a myriad of applications.

Detailed Theory

A succinct analogy of quantifying and measuring power consumed in various electric motor configurations and power consumed in electric generators are proportionally tied to the frequency resonance of the system. This theory requires there to be a quantifiable distinction between frequency resonance and energy resonance. Understanding energy resonance physics when applied to an inhomogeneous anisotropic electromotive force within a closed system will give engineers a whole new set of tools when it comes to designing a highly efficient electromagnetic power system configuration.

If you take a Samarium Cobalt magnet and drop it, it will fall under the field of gravity and accelerate at rate of 32 ft. per second per second, at sea level, until it reaches terminal velocity. If you take the same magnet and drop it through a conductive tube, such as copper or brass, it will fall through that tube several orders of magnitude slower (depending on the magnet/pipe diameter ratio) falling at a fixed, greatly reduced rate. This occurs because its motion within the pipe and its magnetism will create currents, which in turn, creates a magnetic field of its own; causing an electromagnetic resistance which causes a reverse action to the gravity acting upon it. This is exactly the same reaction to an energised or magnetised coil (stator) spinning within a motor/generator, which is called (C.E.M.F) Counter Electromotive Force.

By calculating power input, minus power consumed using Maxwellian equations upon the frequency resonance of the system, one can only derive the net power (watts) used to calculate motor efficiency. In this configuration where there is orbital angular momentum involved in the field generation, power used is no longer proportional to the energy available, as measurements are not bi-directional; so Maxwellian equations are masking the energy potential locked within the system.

Electric motors and generators are intrinsically the same thing. One takes power to effect motion via electromotive force, generating mechanical torque; the other, converting mechanical torque into electromotive potential, generating power. Understanding this within a cyclical system has merit when attempting to make motor efficiency gains.

In a Tesla Coil (Nikola Tesla — 1891), it seems that he may have already unlocked this understanding as some of his generators had a somewhat mysterious, yet completely undocumented third coil. In Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter (1898), there was a third, non-magnetically coupled coil, named the “resonator” coil, which was series fed and resonated with its own capacitance. These “tank circuits” have had very few applications over the last 120 years, yet this very same principal can be used to remove the C.E.M.F after an electric motor’s drive phase to decouple the voltage potential held within the stator or coil, gifting mechanical efficiencies by removing the resistive electromotive forces intrinsic to rotating or reciprocating magnetic fields.

It appears that Tesla was using a wound coil across a large magnet as an inductor to create impedance; however, in a motor/generator application, a resistor such as an incandescent light bulb could also be used to “use up” the remainder of returned energy which has not already been used to generate mechanical motion. By depleting a stator of its voltage potential mid-cycle, efficiencies can be gained by negating Counter Electromotive Forces.

The macroscopic Maxwell equations that broadly define two new auxiliary fields which define the large-scale behaviour of matter without having to consider atomic scale interactions, determines only the net approximation of the phenomenalistic parameters of the electromagnetic response of materials. These equations have been accepted as the engineer’s “de rigueur” norm, as they are so very easy to comprehend and append into working, technical solutions that have driven very little technical innovation in electric motor/generator design for over a century.

Although Maxwell’s macroscopic equations are far less unwieldy in practical applications than his microscopic equations, we are still left with distinctions between charges, currents, electric and magnetic waves and their rates of change. Acknowledging that Maxwell’s era predates the Atomic Age, waves and fields were the syntax used to describe various geometries of magnetism. New understandings about the complex interactions and orbits of electrons in these simple closed systems need to be accepted, calculated and taken advantage of in modern engineering architecture when designing applications that harness the power of electromotive force. Although these interactions can seem complex we are no longer required to deal with so many elements in our calculations. Charges, currents, electrical fields and magnetic fields should be merely regarded as just electrons. Changing this will simplify our calculations greatly.

Electrons can be simply understood as being either stable, ionising or fluxing.

Ferromagnets are said to have magnetocrystalline anisotropy whereby it takes more energy to magnetise it in certain areas related to the principal axes of its crystalline lattice. To simplify, magnets are structurally ordered ionised microcrystalline chambers whose molecules are positively charged and have opposing electrons with opposite spins. Ionisation of the microcrystalline structure causes electrons to pass directionally through structured channels in the order of the principal axes of alignment. Once electrons reach the terminus of a magnet they are no longer held in directional paths and gain more entropy with each electron interaction outside of the terminus conflux. Confluence paths are attracted to the negatively charged end of the magnet and the flow of entropic electrons are drawn evermore toward its negatively charged pole to complete the flux cycle of electrons in a magnetic field. The field itself are the moments of entropic electron interactions that propagate less frequently the further away from the terminus they interact.

Energy resonance should be calculated in a very different way than we do for frequency resonance. As an electron is a charged particle of charge (-1e), where e is the unit of elementary charge, its angular rotation comes from both spin and orbital motion. A rotating electrically charged body creates a magnetic dipole with magnetic poles of equal magnitude yet opposite polarity which behaves like a tiny bar magnet. Any magnetic field will exert a torque on the electron magnetic moment which is greatly dependent upon its orientation with respect to the field. We should be using the physical constant of the Bohr magneton to express the magnetic moment of an electron caused either by its orbital or spin angular momentum, defined either in SI units or in Guassian CGS units.

As we are now invoking particle physics, we should draw from the Standard Model and add a proportionality constant that directly relates to the magnetic moment of the electron to its angular momentum quantum number with the Bohr magneton. This g-factor will characterise a dimensionless magnetic moment and the gyromagnetic ratio of the electron.

There is a g-factor associated with the spin angular momentum, orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum with electrons. Total angular momentum is the quantum-mechanical sum of both spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum. [Ashcroft Niel]

In quantum mechanics, the quantization of charged particles in cyclotron orbits in magnetic fields are considered degenerate as the number of electrons per level are directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. This is named the Landau quantization after the Soviet physicist Lev Landau. However; an electron with both spin angular and orbital angular momentum which occurs within various motor/generator configurations should have its total g-factor calculated as a Landé g-factor. A Landé g-factor is a multiplicative expression of energy levels of an atom in a weak magnetic field where the degenerate states of electrons in atomic orbitals share the same angular momentum, whereby the degeneracy is lifted. [Yang Fujiya] The factor is invoked during calculation of the first order of perturbation in the energy of an atom when a weak uniform magnetic field (weak in comparison to the systems internal magnetic field) is applied to the system. [Nave C R]


Although these phenomena appear to be orbitally angular in nature, its net effects can be calculated simply in closed systems, such as electric motors and generators, more complex understandings about the homogeneity and distribution of angularly momentous magnetic fields need to be researched further. Assumptions about magnetic field inertia fit the calculations and suggest that electron and photon interaction in certain instances either have mass or inertia holding intrinsic massless energy potential. Whether it’s one, both or neither will need to explored by further experimentation. Furthermore; consideration of the geometric paths taken by electrons around a live coil or stator maybe complex but the net effects are consistently stable from a fixed point of reference. More experimentation is required to uncover if the true geometries are random Gaussian fields or if in fact they exhibit fractal geometric paths or any other scale invariance which would give rise to predictable Euclidean values that would have an application in energy production, motor efficiency, telecommunications or data storage devices as non-exhaustive examples.


Ashcroft, Neil W.; Mermin, N. David (1976). Solid state physics. Saunders College. ISBN 9780030493461.

Yang, Fujia; Hamilton, Joseph H. (2009). Modern Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Revised ed.). World Scientific. p. 132. ISBN 9789814277167.

Nave, C. R. (25 January 1999). “Magnetic Interactions and the Lande’ g-Factor”. HyperPhysics. Georgia State University.

