When Your Calling turns into a (World Saviour) Complex

DršŸ¦‘ SeašŸ™
9 min readAug 24, 2021

By Dr Sea ā€” World expert at failing to save the world

Rebel yell ā€” photographed for Extinction Rebellion 2019 (Photograph by Ross Giblin / Stuff)

I have written about death and trauma brain and recovery in my first-ever Medium essay. It is a long and meandering tale through my childhood fantasy of becoming the female Jacques Cousteau, and how this bubble got brutally burst in my 20s. I felt that this Medium Writers Challenge tag deserved its own story. Less meandering, a bit more organised. More like my actual work.

My partner ā€” not the Lord of the Rings guy I elf-stalked to Aotearoa New Zealand ā€” but my fiancĆ©, who is gentle and kind and wise beyond his young years has often turned to me, with a mixture of exasperation and admiration, and asked: ā€œWhy do you always have to care the most?ā€ I usually stare at him in blank frustration ā€” I honestly donā€™t know why. But it feels like an affliction more often than a blessing. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called a saviour complex. Iā€™ve had to realise the hard way that I have turned my dream profession, my calling, into an actual, crippling complex.

I thought it might sound a bit preposterous calling myself the ā€˜world expertā€™ in anything. Even if itā€™s failing to do something that was always going to be too much for any one person to do. I felt I should show some of my credentials of failing to save the world. I acquired them in many different sectors, countriesā€¦



DršŸ¦‘ SeašŸ™

Trained as coral reef ecologist. Works as Behaviour Changer. Lives as storyteller. Researches energy hardship. Loves tentacles. Building an eco-community.