Corporate Media Doesn’t Want Sanders to Win

Mark Volner
2 min readJul 14, 2015


I can’t say for certain that our corporate owned media doesn’t want Bernie Sanders to win. However, I can give you two reasons that suggest corporate media has absolutely no interest in seeing Bernie as the next president. The first reason is pretty obvious. Bernie is talking about raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations. Last time I checked, our media is owned and run by some rather large corporations. So if you have a presidential candidate saying he is going to raise taxes on corporations, and your media is run by corporations, you’re probably not going to see the media getting all warm and fuzzy towards that candidate.

Secondly, Bernie is also talking about getting big money out of politics. Well hello, who do you think makes a ton of money off all those big money political ads? The corporate media, that’s who! So, of course, they aren’t going to be enthusiastic about Bernie winning in 2016. He’s talking about ending their giant gravy train. Now, there is every reason to believe that the media would still make money off the publicly funded elections that Bernie is talking about; however, it probably wouldn’t be half the money the media gets from the big money elections of today.

The good news is that this might be all irrelevant. The reason being, today everyone is the media. That is right! Social media is here and it’s here to stay. Most people spend more time on social media than they do watching TV. Also, people are getting a lot of news online these days so there is no reason for independent media not to counter big media’s lack of enthusiasm for Sanders. It seems very important for Sanders’ supporters to not only stay active on social media but also to demand that independent media give Sanders fair coverage. Finally, supporters should promote and share that coverage and support independent media.



Mark Volner

I like women, art, nature, social media, people, justice, sustainability, women, music, food, drinks, parties, women, and sunshine.