Expecting Researchers to Tough it Out is Bullshit: 6 Ways to Actually Improve Mental Health

Dr Shane T Huntington OAM
10 min readAug 2, 2019

Good mental health for a researcher these days is almost a luxury. This is bad for both the researchers themselves but also for the fields they work in. A stressed, tired, burnt out researcher is not going to be as productive or insightful as one that is healthy, well rested and eager to start each day. I suspect if we could more easily measure this, the difference would be startling.

The problems for researchers are numerous. Here are a few examples of things that have a negative impact on mental health:

1. Ongoing difficulties or failings in the lab — part of science but still discouraging

2. The impact grant failure has on job security and career options

3. The impact grant failure has on projects and options

4. Supervisors that do not measure up

5. Expectation of extensive working ours, late nights and weekends

6. Lack of work/life balance

7. Feelings of isolation

8. Feelings of imposter syndrome

9. Inadequate training in areas such as self-care and communication



Dr Shane T Huntington OAM

Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Communications and Strategy Consultant. @DrShaneRRR ShaneHuntington.com