The identify shift is the first thing that needs to happen.

Dr. Velma Trayham
1 min readApr 24, 2020


Most people can’t become who they want to become because they are too attached to who they’ve been. There’s 1 BIG thing that holds people back when they’re trying to change their life, it’s their IDENTITY!

Their whole life, they may have lived a certain way, watched a certain type of tv shows, been around a certain group of people, worked a certain job.. etc. They become used to seeing that same old person looking back at them each time they try to move forward.

This may not be a surprise to you but the good thing is you can change all that. If you want different results in life, first you must see yourself as the kind of person you want to become.

Then you will take the actions you need to take!
Then you’ll experience the results you desire!

The identify shift is the first thing that needs to happen.

So the question is.. who would you like to become and what are you doing to become that better person, which is ultimately YOU? You deserve to be the person you desire to be. It starts with you ❤️ deep thought but true.



Dr. Velma Trayham

Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Trader, Investor, Mentor 👉🏽 MILLIONAIRE MASTERMIND GLOBAL, and CEO 👉🏽 ThinkZILLA