DragonCats NFT Collection is launched on ThunderCore!

3 min readAug 29, 2022


Buy now: https://nftmall.io/@DragonCats#on


If you watched Shrek you know what happens when a donkey meets a dragon😉.

DragonCats collection is a fantasy about mixing a cat with a dragon 🐲, they are still as powerful as a dragon, but a bit lazy as a cat 😺 and extremely adorable 😊.

DragonCats is an NFT collection on ThunderCore. Sale ongoing on NFTmall!

Why ThunderCore?

ThunderCore is a fast, secure and cheap blockchain with growing DApps ecosystem, but their NFT ecosystem is only starting to grow and for my first project this is the best choice, since I want to start small to see real community interest. To mint 50 DradonCat NFTs I spent only 0.036 TT (~0.0002$). This is extremely cheap!

TT Wallet is an official ThunderCore wallet with DApps browser, crosschain bridge and FULL NFT SUPPORT! It is easy and fun to trade/collect/transfer NFTs within ThunderCore ecosystem.

Download TT Wallet from App Store or Play Market — open Wallet page — click NFT on top — you will see your NFTs.

Click Explore button on bottom, select NFT category — open NFTmall marketplace to buy/sell/create NFTs in one click.

How to buy NFT on NFTmall?

NFTmall is a multichain NFT marketplace which recently integrated ThunderCore blockchain, check out this guide to start your collection: https://docs.nftmall.io/nftmall-marketplace/buying-nfts

Buy DragonCat: https://nftmall.io/@DragonCats#onsale


All DragonCats are unique, each with its own color and additional characteristics. Some are more rare than others.

There are only 50 unique NFTs available for sale + 6 NFTs reserved for promo activities.


DragonCats NFT sale will only continue for 30 days, once its finished all unsold NFTs will be burned to add extra value to sold NFTs. Sale started on NFTmall on August 22, 2022 and will end on September 22, 2022.

Fair launch

Each DragonCat price is 500 TT (~3$), no bidding, no random, you can buy the one you like the most or more than one. All 50 NFTs are available for purchase on NFTmall: https://nftmall.io/@DragonCats#on


We will launch promo event soon, stay tuned for updates in our Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheDragonCats


I hope you like your adorable DragonCat and won’t need a refund, but if you need — follow the instruction below 😊

The DragonCats NFT collection is made for fun and should not be considered an investment, but I realize that some collectors may later decide they don’t like the NFT they bought as much.

For them, I will refund 100% of the price within 30 days of purchase, but only if the NFT was purchased in an official sale and not third hand.

You will need to burn the NFT you bought and fill out this form to get a refund: https://forms.gle/KiUC14iDUpHiSdVz9 (check the form to learn how to burn)




DragonCats is an adorable NFT collection on ThunderCore. Buy now on NFTmall — https://nftmall.io/@DragonCats#on