Going Down the Drain Doesn’t Make It Go Away

3 min readMay 26, 2017


“Down the drain” might be a phrase that means something is gone for good, but that isn’t the case in real drains. Everything that goes down the drain goes somewhere, whether it’s water, waste, soap, hair, grease, bits of food, or other bits of substances from daily life. Some of that stuff doesn’t make it very far and gets caught in grease traps, pipes, and septic systems that we rely on to function properly. That’s when we start to get creative in our attempts to loosen the flow of water. Many people rely on harsh chemical treatments to unclog slow-running drains, and may not realize that there are options now available for natural drain cleaner. It is no longer necessary to rely on substances that ultimately act to cause further damage to the plumbing system.

Most Drain Cleaners Are Harsh Chemicals

When you go to the local hardware store or grocery store to buy drain cleaner, most of the products you see on the shelf are caustic, alkaline substances that usually contain some form of lye, such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. These products work by dissolving the hair or grease that is clogging a pipe, but they have a lot of negative aspects to them.

Alkaline drain products are some of the most dangerous substances in the household cleaning supplies cabinet. They can cause serious damage to skin, eyes, lungs, basically any part of the body they come in contact with. In addition to the hazards they pose to body and health, they can also be responsible for damage to PVC pipes. Once the products make their way into the water systems they contribute to pollution problems, too. That’s a lot of drawbacks for just wanting to have clear pipes.

There Is a Natural Alternative

There is good news when it comes to drain cleaners. You can now buy an all-natural drain cleaner that works with biology instead of against it. A special blend of bacterium can be as effective as the harsh chemical counterpart, and that’s good news for anyone looking for a safe alternative to caustic lye drain cleaners. Biological cleaners are gaining in popularity among everyone from residential users cleaning their own homes to the custodial staff of large institutions such as hospitals and schools.

Caustic cleaners can cause PVC pipes to melt, but this doesn’t happen with a natural drain cleaner, because the harsh chemicals simply are not there. Biological cleaners are safer to handle, as well. While you don’t want to subject yourself to prolonged contact, you won’t have the risk of an immediate chemical burn like you can with a conventional lye product.

Know What You Are Washing Down the Drain

Grease, hair, soap, and more will all end up going down your pipes, no matter how careful you are. Sometimes blockages occur, but there are more products available on the market these days than before. Gone are the days of relying on dangerous, caustic drain openers to get the job done. A natural drain cleaner can get the job done without posing the risks to person and property that conventional products do. For more details, please visit our website : Drainbo

