Alex Rountree, Solutions Architect and comic collector, shares what it’s like to hang on set and what Pride Month means to him

Life Inside Dropbox
5 min readJun 27, 2018
Alex Rountree

For this year’s Pride Month, we are illuminating and celebrating the LGBTQ experience by sharing Dropboxers’ personal stories. Everyone’s story and identity evolve together over time, a mixture of both their innate genetic makeup and experiences. The fond memories and formative moments we hold onto as part of our history inform who we are and who we strive to be. With that in mind, Pridebox, our LGBTQ employee resource group, chose the theme “Connecting our History with our Future.” In celebration of Pride month, we’ll be featuring Dropboxers and sharing their stories that connect their past to present.

Q: What is your name, what office do you work out of, and how long have you been at Dropbox?

A: My name is Alex Rountree. I’m a solutions architect in our Austin office. I’ve been at Dropbox a little over three years.

Q: What is your current role at Dropbox?

A: I’m the one in the sales meeting who knows how Dropbox works. I help customers understand what our product can do for them and how we can help their users get work done.

Q: Anything that you have done/accomplished at Dropbox that you’re proud of? When did you do this? What was the impact?

A: I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the education team as well as the media and entertainment vertical. Working on deals in the EDU space is so fulfilling. Seeing people use Dropbox to teach and to learn is surprisingly rewarding. Working in media and entertainment has allowed me to feel like a part of that industry without having to be a member of a production team. Walking around the sets of my favorite TV shows and movies has been magical.

Q: Have you had transformational or inspirational moments at Dropbox?

A: Honestly yes, on my first day in the Dropbox office here in Austin. There is something about not having to hide who you are, and feeling like people care — wanting to know who I am and what makes me me. In sales, it usually skews to a good-old-boys network, but not here. We are a family, and I felt that the moment I walked in. No judgments, just openness.

Solutions Architects meeting Darth Vader

Q: What are your hobbies? Or what can we find you doing outside of work?

A: I’m a gamer and comic collector. I’m usually playing some game on my Playstation or PC or hanging out with friends at dinner or a movie. I love to travel, and I also ride my motorcycle with a group of friends when it’s not a thousand degrees outside.

(left) Alex holding the Kryptonite from Batman vs Superman (right) Riding on his motorcycle

Q: Any accomplishments you’re proud of outside of work?

A: It’s been a long journey finally being able to stand up by myself, for myself. That’s the accomplishment I’m most proud of.

Q: What is something interesting about you that not a lot of people know?

A: Aside from my knowledge of 90s hip-hop, I’d say my extensive comic and collectible stash. 5000+ comics and growing.

Alex’ comics and collectibles on display

Q: Why did you decide to join Dropbox?

A: Funny story. While at the pride parade in Austin, I saw the Dropbox team handing out storage cards. I had no idea they had a team here. The next day, I saw an article in the news that they were hiring 100 salespeople in Austin, and I knew I had to get in.

Q: What surprised you most about Dropbox when you joined?

A: Just how open the place was, and how it fostered a family atmosphere. I felt part of the group, and I liked the people almost instantly.

Team outing

Q: What does “creative energy” mean to you?

A: Creative energy isn’t relegated to more traditional artistic pursuits. Creative energy is really any energy you use to pull something from your imagination into the real world, whether that is painting a picture or enabling a new workflow.

Q: How do you unleash your creative energy in your day?

A: I try to find better ways for me to be more organized, more prepared, and more efficient. If I could streamline my life, I would have more time to enjoy it.

Q: What does Pride Month month mean to you?

A: Pride Month is an opportunity for more than just the members of the LGBTQ community to participate in the culture and history of our community. People are more willing and open to be a part of the conversation, and it’s a chance for us to welcome them to our extended families. It’s a chance for us to feel more comfortable being who we are to maybe drop the last few chains we carry with us. If only for 30 days.

Q: Are there any present-day inspirational LGBTQ figures in your life?

A: Many of our members are out there doing what they believe in, following their dreams. I’m first to support anyone who’s living their life, and they constantly inspire me. Their courage is infectious.

Check back soon to meet more Dropboxers. In the meantime visit us at Dropbox is growing, grow with us!



Life Inside Dropbox

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