Kunal Dey
3 min readMar 21, 2015

14 Tips to Promote an Event Through Social Media

Have you ever used the social media in the trade events to increase the presence of your company in the market? Due to cut-throat competition, business firms need to incorporate the social media marketing techniques to face the various challenges in the market in an efficient way.

Below have been discussed some of the unique ways to avail SEO services using social media while organizing a trade show and thereby effectively promote the services of the business to build a good relationship with potential customers.

Techniques to generate demand for the product before the trade show :

  1. Using of Hashtags (#):

Make sure to use the hashtags of Twitter. Using hashtags, one can easily connect to a large number people and invite them to visit the trade show which will be organized by your company.

2. Use of Company Hashtags:

You can also create hashtags related to the event of your company. Hashtags help in promoting the trade show in a better way.

3. Use Social Media to Generate a Buzz About The Trade Show:

You can use the social networking platform to create a buzz among the people. Make sure to post the page on your company’s website, Google+ and LinkedIn.

4. Get Some Exposure in the Media:

Using the social media, you can gain an excellent exposure of the products and services of your company. So, Know the best Social Media tips and tricks from the experienced webmaster.

5. Use of Teaser Videos:

With the help of teaser videos, one can also upload the upcoming services of the company in various social networking sites.

6. Build a Unique Event Page on Company’s Website:

Using this page, you will be able to make people aware of the events that will be organized in the upcoming trade show.

Build Demand for The Trade Show Using Social Media:

1. Click pictures:

Click unique snaps of the event and post them on various social networking sites to give update information to your potential customers.

2. Shoot videos of the event:

Make sure to capture small videos of the special event to make a potential customer feel that they are watching live events of the trade show.

3. Appoint a member of social media:

Make sure to appoint a member of the social media to post each and every detail of the event on the social networking sites in a proper way.

4. Tag pictures of the contest on the social media:

Tag the pictures of the contest that have been organized during the trade show to promote your company.

5. Record video testimonials:
You must ask the loyal customers of your company to share some words about the event. Make sure to post the video on the social networking sites.

Promoting the activities of the event after the trade show:

1. Make a list of people who contacted you during the show:

Make a list of people who contacted you during the show. You should try to make them your genuine customers.

2. Post a blog:

Make sure to post a unique blog to make online potential customers aware of the great event.

3. Send E- mail to the persons who have visited your trade show:

Make sure to send E-mail to the persons visited the trade show. You must ask them to share their experience.

You can also hire an SEO Company to handle these steps and thereby promote the goods and services of your company in a best possible way.