Memories of December

Dur Heito
2 min readJun 12, 2020


Memories are a wistful kind

Few stories will bring them to mind

A simple crush one held close to heart

A nimble brush with death, froze to start

I can’t list them all, but yet they all tell stories to me. Every night again in dreams, reveries that bring it all to a grind-

ing halt, such trifles of chemists

we fault our minds, nothing persists

for vault, a locked one exists

in all of us. Memories not lost to time, but to ourselves. Not yet ebbed away by the flow of atoms through our metabolisms, yet the mind

eats our soul, our desires for

feats safeties, accomplishments, gore

greets our own. We scuttle from lore

that would damage our brittle psyches. What few terrible things we can bring ourselves to admit are deemed essential, but all other consigned

to rot away, a great mess betrothed

a blot gone again, tied order code

the snot breathes in, and flies its lode

It carries with it a weight, you see. One that you are still to fragile to remember. Perhaps one day such trifles will come back to you. Until then, we sit resigned

to the fact that You, I, We are not enough by ourselves. We are separate, but can assist. One’s trauma is another’s blessing, and as such we may find

All have purpose to remember

Stall to propose our December

For it will come, but perhaps we can push it off.

