Dust City Teleport is officially launched!

2 min readJan 23, 2023


Teleport will help you verify ownership of NFT collections on Telegram.

Teleport allows you to create private channels and groups only accessible to holders of specific NFT collections, according to the rules you set.

To use the service, you don’t need to fill out forms and wait for a response from our team. You just need a collection hash list and enough tokens to pay for the service: 50 USDC + the equivalent of $50 in NCTR tokens, which can be purchased here.

To begin using Dust City Teleport as a community creator, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to teleport.dustcity.world.
  2. Go to “My Connections” and connect to Telegram.
  3. Go to “Creator Area” -> “My Collections” and add a collection. Provide the collection name, MagicEden link, and hashlist.
  4. Click “Pay for creation — One time” and make a one-time payment of 50 USDC and the equivalent of $50 in NCTR tokens. Note: transaction confirmation may take up to a minute, do not refresh the page.
  5. Go to “Creator Area” -> “My Channels and Groups” and click “+” to add a new channel or group.
  6. Create a Telegram channel or group and add @teleport_checker_bot as an admin. The bot will periodically remove users without NFTs for community access. Click “Done”.
  7. Send the unique 12 words to the chat or group where you just added the bot. It will redirect you to the channel or group creation window.
  8. Create and select a group for your channels and chats. Use the collection name if possible. Provide the collection name and description, links to the website, public Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and marketplaces. Upload the image for collection profile preview (max size 15MB). Set access rules for your channels and chats. Click “Add rule”, specify the number of NFTs required for access, select a collection or add a new one, then save.

You can always make changes to the channel or group on this page.

To use Teleport as an NFT holder, follow these steps:

  1. Go to teleport.dustcity.world.
  2. Connect the wallet that holds NFT.
  3. Use the “My Connections” menu to connect to Telegram.
  4. Go to the “Explore channels” menu and find the collection chats and groups you want to join. You can also use the submenu “Available for me”.
  5. Use the “View List” button to see a list of all the chats and groups available for collection holders.
  6. Click the “Join Group” or “Join Channel” button to receive the personal single-time invite and join the selected community.
  7. You will be removed if there are insufficient NFTs on the linked wallet for access to the channel or group.




Building now. Telegram based community & Utility NFT project. Founder: @crypto_demiurg / @Lazy_Soccer team.