Sara Brady & the Idaho Freedom Foundation

Dustin Hurst
3 min readApr 23, 2020
CBS News image

Howdy. I’m Dustin Hurst, the communication director for the Idaho Freedom Foundation. I want to take a few minutes to address some myths floating around the internet. I know this won’t achieve much, but I feel the need to clarify for people who remain curious about the Sara Brady arrest in Meridian on Tuesday.

I hope you’ll forgive typos. It’s been a long day.

Question: Was the protest planned?
Yes. To my understanding, a group of moms decided together to defy the stay-home order by letting their kids play at Kleiner Park in Meridian. They used social media groups and posts to spread the word.

Question: Was the arrest planned?
No. No one planned to get arrested Tuesday, at least to my knowledge. That said, these adults knew the potential consequences and decided to hold the protest playdate anyway.

Question: Was the arrest staged?

Question: Did the IFF play a role in setting up the protest?
Not really. We knew about it, but we didn’t promote it on our website or social channels. There were no IFF staffers in attendance. We were busy printing stuff, actually.

Question: What is IFF’s relationship with Brady?
She’s a friend of ours. We have…

