Knowledge sharing as a key driver for innovation

Easy to implement and a great ROI

4 min readFeb 8, 2022
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Recently I kicked off one of our first official knowledge sharing sessions. As a product team, we realized that we have a lot of different experiences and skills that complement each other. Sharing that knowledge is beneficial for everyone in the team. One of our core values is curiosity and that value perfectly aligns with a culture of learning and improving together.

Knowledge sharing vs. Information sharing

As a company, we already have several good processes in place to keep the entire team up-to-date on current projects and developments. Every Monday we have a Weekly Huddle with all employees where every team shares their wins, struggles and, upcoming projects. On the first Friday of every month, we have a “Figure Friday” session where we share the (company-wide) results of last month, what’s coming up next, and how our quarterly objectives are coming along. Next to these sessions most teams also have a daily kick-off to discuss progress and ask for help.

These processes are the backbone of our internal information sharing. They keep everyone up-to-date and aligned in our rapidly changing environment. There is a big difference between sharing information to ensure alignment and sharing information…




CTO @ Channext. Helping companies like Cisco, Logitech & Dell deliver partner marketing at scale.