Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos ending Medium support

Duth Olec
2 min readMay 15, 2019


“Ending Medium support” sounds so serious, but I’m really just not gonna be posting chapters here anymore. You’ll still be able to catch new chapters of Wandering Fortunes on my website, so if you’ve gone through all the ones on here and find no more chapters left, hopefully you’ll see this is my most recent Medium post and can know where to find more.

I’m doing this for… multiple reasons, most of which center around the fact that I don’t like Medium. There are multiple reasons for that, too, and… I guess those multiple reasons are the multiple reasons for me not posting here anymore, so I’m going in circles now.

I guess the main thing is Medium is very clearly leaping into a subscription website service and, well, you know how when people post a picture of a Twitter exchange on Twitter and go “can’t believe this website is free”? Well, it’s hard to say Medium is free!

Besides my own dislike of subscription websites there’s also the fact that these chapters I’m posting are literally supposed to be free early-draft chapters anyway. And yeah you can make free posts but it’s clear Medium is trying to push everything towards paid posts, with the paywall and the curation and all that. Most of the posts I come across are bad anyway. I’ve come across a few excellent people here that I follow but guess what, I pay attention to them on other websites now!

So bye, Medium! I’m going tall! Or maybe short. Long? No, wait, hard! Or just easy. Difficult to say. okay bye



Duth Olec

Novelist who makes up words and worlds. Like oddtastic. And Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos. Also on Patreon