A Love Song: My 400 Writing Prompts

Dylan Lepore
2 min readMay 23, 2019


If you wrote a song about your love life, what would the title be? Write the first verse. 4/400*

If I were to write about my love life, it would be titled: Ain’t No Time … Yet.

The reason for my chosen title is that I’m the type of guy who focuses on my work and will not stop until I get to where I want to go. I am very passionate about the work I do, and you could say I love doing it too. I do take breaks, and I know when to stop, but ultimately, what I do drives me, and I don’t want to stop!

I don’t really consider that I’m giving up on anything since I’m doing exactly what I want. I mean, I turn 21 on May 25, I AM STILL YOUNG. I have a good 70–80 years left, and I’m feeling better than ever!

The first verse would be:

The love of the chase

keeps me going …

going for the race

Always moving, always.

Young people passing by,

wondering, waiting, thinking

of the one who will complete them.

You may wait, but …

Ain’t no time for that yet.

The song would be set in the ’70s or ’80s and would have a funk-pop sound to it. I think it would be cool pretty cool. I like that type of music … when it’s good.

So, there it is. My love life. Ain’t No Time … Yet.



Dylan Lepore

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