Level: A Simple Puzzle Game Review

Dylan Lepore
2 min readDec 11, 2016


Simple puzzle games are getting more and more common nowadays. Classic games like “Unblock Me” and “Flow” keep me hunting for new and exciting puzzle games because by now those games set the standard for your average mobile puzzle game.

Level: A Simple Puzzle Game (only on the App Store) is no exception to that list. It’s simplistic mechanics and its ease-of-use makes it the perfect game to pick up and play for a when there’s a long line at that taco truck and you really want that taco, well at least so I thought.


Level is a game where the player has to “level” multiple platforms together. It starts off with two platforms and two white whole circles. To level, the platforms move one circle to the other platform and leave the other circle where it was at. Therefore one circle is equal to one circle. Easy right, sure, at first but then it starts adding new shapes to each puzzle as you go through the ever increasing levels. It gets pretty difficult, it makes the player stop and think before carelessly moving a shape. So far the total amount of levels in the game are 80 and more is to be added in the future, Starch the makers of this game says.

There are shapes and there are platforms. Each piece has a purpose and nothing is ever left out in each puzzle. The pieces consist of a circle, triangle, and a square then they have their counterparts. The hollow versions of those white shapes. The whole shapes way down the platform and the hollow shapes raise up the platform. Black shapes are also hollow or whole, too, but can’t be moved. This provides a huge assortment of patterns and ways that each level can be solved which is one of the reasons it makes this game pretty difficult.

The platforms are another key part of this “simple” game. There is a total of six different platforms represented by a symbol or a line connecting the platforms. A lock on a platform means it can’t be moved. Chains between two platforms mean one side needs to be weighed down to break the chains apart to turn them into their natural state. A platform might be broken in half and there are two magnets facing each other, once the two platforms are leveled they make a single platform. Some Connect using gears. When one goes up the other goes down. There is also a solid line connecting two platforms. They move together when a shape is moving it up or down. Finally, there is a key facing one direction, pointing to a lock. Level them and,Presto, they’re normal again.

READ MORE AT: http://dylanslegos.tumblr.com/post/154031927507/level-a-simple-puzzle-game-review



Dylan Lepore

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