E. B. Shriver
6 min readOct 18, 2022

The Necromancer & The Way Teller

Synchronous View

The Observers Gear Works are the inner workings of a hand wound clock. It is a magical item and piece of equipment that allows the creation of Aetheric Timepieces. It is the template for Magi to work from in building magical clocks. It is with this piece of equipment that The Observer built his famous timepiece. However no one has been able to quite recreate exactly his work.

The Magical Equipment of the Magi is a necessary component of manifesting their will. The various magical equipment's act as physical anchor points for aetheric energy. Giving the Magi stability and control of the wild flows of the Aether during a Working. Additionally, they allow the Magi the ability to manipulate the Aether precisely, and create components which store and hold Aetheric potential for later use. Like gears for a magical timepiece which are tuned to the movements of specific stars, or crafting an amulet in the precise aetheric shape needed to unlock a spirit door. Each piece of equipment serves its purpose, and the stability provided by the Magical Workbench is foundational in many Workings.

Puzzle boxes are used in many magical Workings. As their design and physical structure lend themselves to the capture of Aetheric Energies. This is also true of analog watches and clockwork mechanisms in general.

When making a magical item the Magi takes components of different materials and varieties and molds them in the physical world. An ordinary pocket watch, or wooden puzzle box. These items may seem mundane to the passerby. However they are merely shadows of a deep aetheric structure which lies unseen. With the use of an Oracular and a magical workbench Magi can divine and shape that aetheric structure to fit their needs. Want a bunny to come out of a hat? or a time piece which allows you to surf the mists? The Magical Workbench is where that journey starts.

E.B Shriver wearing Oraculars and working on magical equipment. It is common among modern Magi to wear Oraculars on their face like goggles, but historically Oraculars took the form of crystal seeing stones, and those are still quite popular amongst Magi.

Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius

As above so below

What is important to remember is that the Aether is a subtle force of the universe which exists to most as an unseen factor in their everyday affairs. However, the energies which are coalesced in these unseen places have profound effects on our lives, even if you have no idea of their presence. Physical actions and objects, in the Mortal Realm, act like food coloring dropped into the Aetheric water. The symbolism, material items, and spoken words in our lives color the aetheric soup we swim in. Imagine then, that a Magi conjures the colors up and leverages his will and magical equipment to paint them into an aetheric masterpiece.

The Magi Paints with the Aether this subtle dance is the core of existence

Recently I have been able to help two magi with the creation of their unique workbenches. These artifacts reflect not only their power, but sensibilities as well. Taking raw materials acquired through their many excursions into the mists has allowed them to craft a story reflective of their journey. Almost any materials can be used for creation of magical equipment so long as they are in their purest elemental forms (i.e. Wood, Glass, Metal, Bone, Stone, etc...)

This is a lovely workbench which has come to my possession recently. Its owner was formerly a sentinel of the Castle, but they were on the run. I have found out recently that their soul has been sent to the Realms Beyond in a battle with the rogue demon lord Euronymous. It now longs for new ownership. Magical Equipment without a Magi to tinker with it is like a musical instrument with out a musician to play it. They call the Magi, and the Magi are compelled.

The respective paths these Magi have taken differ, but the process of creating a Workbench is the same. Made of the finest materials one might find in the mists these Magi crafted pieces of immense beauty. One bench a touchstone to the past , and the other a homage to the dead.

The Creation of magical workbenches, and magical equipment in general has always been a teacher pupil affair. The aide of a Magi with the skill of many Workings is invaluable in their creation.

The necromancer who had approached me to cultivate his idea had collected a series of bones on journeys through the darkest parts of the Human Soul. The Body Farms of Babylon during the Age of the Black Sun were a terrifying proposition for any condemned individual who found themselves destined for these slaughter houses. The dark rituals which kept Babylon afloat depended on the constant flow of “Human Capital” that the Body Farms produced. This particular client found himself in the mists exploring these places. His Great Work calling him to sanctify dark and evil locations stained by the blood and torturous screams of the damned.

The Necromancer clearing a once sacred and hallowed ground of its corruption

Not all Necromancers are focused on the left hand path; some find themselves as sanctifiers of unholy places. Releasing the souls trapped there, helping them to move on to the Realms Beyond, or if they are lucky Heaven. Of course just because one’s Great Work calls them to be a net force for good, does not mean they can’t profit from their endeavors. As the dead have no need for their bones the necromancer took these macabre tokens as payment for releasing those poor souls. With those bones, the creation of a unique magical workbench could be completed. His ultimate purpose with this equipment is unknown, but likely we will see more from this Magi as the Great Work will continue to call him towards the Doom to come.

The Macabre Workbench of The Necromancer

The Way Teller’s story is altogether different, and his journey of discovery finds himself on a reflective path now. However, as a warrior of renown, this wasn’t always so. The desk he has crafted for himself is meant for the magic of words, although it certainly has the inherent power for deeper Workings. A place to contemplate on his journey’s through the mist. Recounting, through his writings, his story of self discovery. A paragon of warrior zeal, he hungered for many years to test the very limits of his potential. Through these adventures he earned great ranks and accolades from those who called him friend. However, Like many grand adventurers, The Way Teller decided to settle down, finding for himself the company of a loyal woman, and crafted himself a Magical Workbench. Working closely with The Way Teller, I offered suggestions on the crafting of his equipment, and how to best include the many relics and tokens from his myriad travels. It was a deeply satisfying experience for me, to see the culmination of a life's wandering poured into a Magical Item with such intent and care. While The Way Tellers story is not over, and he will likely find himself wandering the mists again, It is clear his life has come to a chapter which is closing. Thus awaits the beginning of new adventures. I am most excited to see his Great Work unfold as the Doom approaches.

The Way Tellers workbench a place of quite contemplation and Aetheric exploration.

Completing great works is challenging. The symbiosis of man’s will, the Aether, and the material world coalesce to create new dimensions of reality. This process is reflective of the Grand Architects’ creation of the cosmos. The Magi, in their respective workshops, mimic The Grand Architect, albeit on a smaller scale. The Great Workings of the Right Hand Path initiates embody the Aetheric potential of life. Like sparks in the dark, it is merely a matter of time before one of these causes a divine wildfire of creation. It is my belief this is what is needed to bring about the reconstruction of The Grand Architect in Heaven. It may very well be that Man’s Aetheric sensitivity was given to help reconstruct the father in case of a sundering event. Of course I have no way to prove this, but my faith guides me where my intellect fails. As the Doom approaches I suspect we will see many Magi awake from their slumbers to engage in their respective Great Works, and challenge the ending of the age. I hope that this is the case.

The Cosmic Wildfire at the birth of all creation
E. B. Shriver

I'm E. B. Shriver. A collector and curator of an emporium of magical wares. Welcome, and beware of what you touch!