Urania’s Mirror(4): The Temple Conduit Pt 1

E. B. Shriver
4 min readDec 4, 2022


Wonder, Awe, and Hope.

“Careful Emil.” my mother said, as she lowered me deeper into the temple complex.

I could see my father below me, illuminating the chamber with his wand. Antediluvian hieroglyphics covered the walls, and it was muddy and damp smelling strongly of dead sea life.

“It’s amazing after all these eons that this temple is still intact.” my father said, as I untied myself from the rope. He was standing at the end of the chamber which overlooked a lower chamber even larger in size. Some crystalline artifact stood in the middle of the cavernous hall. Half monument, half aetheric machinery it was emanating raw power, even I could feel it.

“Is this the Aetheric Computer father?” I said.

My father responded without looking, staring intently at the writings on the walls, “yes it is my son. This is a unique find indeed. The mists conspire to assist us on our journey. Conduits like these existed at the center of many aetheric convergences during the time of the Great Society of Atlantis, but most were destroyed during the Backlash.”

I had heard the story before. Atlantis was covered by a flood, a global world ending collapse, but the stories never went into the specifics. It was always implied that it was the hubris of the Council of Shamballa, and the threat of the Chitahuri. However, I had never heard my father use the word “Backlash” before.

“What was the Backlash father?” I asked him quietly as I walked to the edge of the upper cavern looking out in awe at the “Conduit”.

My father responded, “The Backlash, is what caused the destruction of the Council of Shamballa's Aetheric Causeway. Something occurred which shattered it’s cosmic stability. All Atlantean power was derived from this Aetheric structure. Do you remember the story of the Kraken?”

“The King Wand? Yes I do. It was wielded at the end of the Great Society to stop the Flood of the Chitahuri. In their retreat they destroyed the Uranic Mirrors, and flooded Earth destroying the Atlantean star empire.”

My father responded in a strained tone as he peered through his bifocals at a particular section of text on the wall, “Yes, that is what the children’s story tells. However, like most fairy tales it is not entirely true. The Kraken was used to defeat the Chitahuri, but not through sheer force. No, it was used to cause an Aetheric chain reaction in the causeway system. This collapsed all Uranic mirrors. It also caused an aetheric backlash on earth which led to the destruction of the great cities and temples of Atlantis, and the world ending tidal wave. The Aetheric causeway coursed through every Atlantean structure like a bloodline. Without its stability the Great Society could not hold its form. Although no one is sure what exactly caused the chain reaction.”

This mystery statement could not be left hanging. I have been taught too well by my father to not inquire more when it is obvious there is more to disclose. I went on to ask, “I suppose that you have a theory about what happened?”

“I do indeed, I think the Kraken was used to destroy one of these temple conduits” my father stated matter of factly as he walked over to me standing at the precipice of the upper chamber looking into the cavernous lower hall.

I could hear my mother finally descending into the upper chamber, and she said, “Of course that is just a theory of your fathers, and there is no proof as of yet. But that has never stopped him from pursuing his ideas to whatever end they take him.”

My father smirked as he continued to look out at the conduit with me. When suddenly the Conduit started to whir as if powering up, and rainbow colored lights began to subtly pulse from inside of it. My mother pulled out the control rods she had discovered in the Aunna Tomb. They glowed bright with power.

We all looked on in awe at the bright colors as my father said, “Theories have a way of proving themselves if they are true.”

We were one step closer to finding my brother yet still miles away. We set up camp that evening. Tomorrow we would begin our study of the conduit.

Continued in Part 2



E. B. Shriver

I'm E. B. Shriver. A collector and curator of an emporium of magical wares. Welcome, and beware of what you touch!