How Positioning Strategy is the New Positioning Strategy

Edereka-Great Jessica
2 min readFeb 11, 2016


The Lego Application.

The concept of positioning is about placing a brand for a customer to understand and connect with the brand. The way a brand is positioned in the market ought to be the way a consumer can understand and interpret what the brand is. When the values or beliefs of a brand is perceived wrongly by a consumer, this means the brand positioning is wrong. Brand positioning can be either the product brand positioning where it passes a message of distinction to it consumers who hopefully perceives it the same way and it can also be price/ quality brand positioning where the quality is superior compared to its competitors.

In the case of Lego, its positioning strategy is the grand strategy which is for Lego to get back to its roots and for its consumers to perceive brand Lego as a strong “brand that build legends”. What was the positioning tool used to implement this strategy? It utilized the point-of-purchase roadshows. This task was designated to the marketing team as they were best fit to ensure a successful task. They as well, divided the marketing team into different department for the road show like sales, advertising, event management, PR, in-store merchandising and finance using tools like “targeted”, “laser guns”, “mobile tours e.g. bionic unleashed” targeted at different age groups.

Another positioning strategy utilized by the brand to pass a message of visibility to its consumers is the generic strategy where brand Lego used a PR agency to achieve this objective. The PR agency is called 360PR. 360PR employed the use of online platform which involved social networking. This digitalization broadcast or multimedia message was to communicate to its consumers that the brand was unique and delivers better value for its consumers. It also communicated a message to its consumers that brand Lego toy was a high- quality product with an extraordinary service delivery.

In conclusion, the positioning strategy utilized can determine the strength of a company, in the case of Lego, the positioning was indeed successful as it used the right tactics and tools to pass its message to its consumers which was well received. We cannot also forget a key point of using the right PR agency to boost the reputation and deliver better value is definitely a necessity.

*I’m not affiliated with LEGO.

